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"Guessing Lantern Riddles! " 大家新年快樂! 元宵節快到了,我們來猜個燈謎吧!

il y a 5 ans
"Guessing lantern riddles"is one of the main activities in the Lantern Festival. Lantern owners will write riddles on a piece of paper, sticking on their lanterns. Visitors can get some gift from the owners if they answer the riddles.


There is no gift today, but we can still have fun!
Let's guess some typical riddles!

1. 黑白牙齒站兩排,輕輕鬆鬆站起來 (猜動物)
2. 黃金衣,包銀條,中間彎彎兩頭翹;兄弟多,真和氣,天天並肩在一起。(猜水果)
3. 嘴巴不多卻能鬧 (猜一字)

1. 蚯蚓
2. 香蕉
3. 吵