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19 $
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Pierre-Louis security_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
+2 autre(s)
Cours: 2 260Élèves: 202
✅ Native French Teacher with more than 5 years experience, fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. ✅ 4 years teaching at the institute language of Adventist University of São Paulo. ✅ French workshop at the Xll Language Seminar of the Letters and Traduction and Interpreter courses at the University Adventist of São Paulo. ✅ Currently French and English teacher in Wizard by Pearson (International School Language) and Expressão Idiomas school languages in Brazil. ✅ Taught hundreds of students from all over the world 🌎 (ex: Spanish people, English people, Portuguese people, Asian people, African people etc..). With ME you will have and be capable to: 🔷 Understand and Speak French with confidence like native Speaks: French, English, Spanish, Portuguese. ✅ Native French Teacher with more than 5 years experience, fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. ✅ 4 years teaching at the institute language of Adventist University of São Paulo. ✅ French workshop at the Xll Language ...
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(Evaluations: 715)
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50 $
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Raphael Murasecurity_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
+1 autre(s)
Cours: 1 310Élèves: 115
Welcome to my Verbling page! I'm Raphael, a seasoned French tutor originally from Paris, with 14 years of experience teaching in London and online. My approach goes beyond traditional tutoring. As your language coach, I'll help establish a clear learning path tailored to your needs, ambitions, and goals. Together, we'll craft bespoke lessons aimed at your success. I believe in fostering a supportive community where engagement is paramount. I'll be there to guide you every step of the way, monitoring your progress after each lesson. With my bi-cultural background and extensive experience, I bring a broad perspective to our sessions. Whether you need French for business, relocation, or socialising, I've got you covered. Our discussions span a wide range of topics, from art and literature to technology and politics. Join my roster of clients, including prestigious organisations like the British Red Cross and Interpol. All levels are welcome (A1 - C2). I look forward to working w...
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(Evaluations: 583)

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25 $
Teacher Cas security_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
Créole haïtien 
Langue maternelle
+3 autre(s)
Cours: 710Élèves: 185
Native French speaker , polyglot and professional teacher I help adults and children improve their French speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. I can also help you reduce your accent so you are better understood and sound more like a native French speaker. Each of my students feels comfortable working with me and their confidence grows with each lesson. I have been an online teacher for nearly 4 years, and i have worked as a translator throughout that time as well. I understand the joys and frustrations that come with learning a foreign language and want to walk with you as you take on French. Together, we’ll discuss and work on those barriers that hold you back and keep you stuck. We’ll work on those situations in which you feel uncomfortable, and create a safe place for you to practice and build confidence.
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(Evaluations: 216)
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33 $
Ludivine Bonsecurity_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
+2 autre(s)
Cours: 3 756Élèves: 161
Experte dans l'apprentissage, la correction et l'amélioration de la prononciation française pour les étrangers mais également pour l'aide aux devoirs du primaire jusqu'au lycée des élèves français . Bonjour, Je m'appelle Ludivine, je suis française et j'ai deux passions : enseigner le français et voyager ! Je parcours le monde depuis plus de 6ans en enseignant le français langue étrangère depuis plus de 5 ans sur Verbling. Avec plus de 3600 heures d'enseignement, j'ai cumulé beaucoup d'expériences et me suis notamment spécialisée dans la correction et l'apprentissage de la prononciation française . Je parle 4 langues ce qui me permet de m'adapter au mieux à chaque profil puisque je connais les différences entre le français et votre langue natale (espagnol , portugais , anglais) . Ma philosophie est que pour apprendre une langue, il faut favoriser la communication orale, rester motivé et prendre du plaisir dans l'apprentissage. J'espère vous rencontrez bientôt lors d'une première...
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(Evaluations: 1497)
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22 $
Mathieu Bochersecurity_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
+2 autre(s)
Cours: 878Élèves: 125
Bonjour! My name is Mathieu, i'm french, 39 years old and i live in Nantes, in France. After being in Brazil for 9 years, i have come back to my hometown and i am very happy about it! I teach french since 2014. I love it because i love languages. I speak 4 languages myself and i have been a student way before a teacher. I'm fascinated by linguistic and that's why i came back to study in 2017 to complete a Master at the best university of France for french teaching, Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris. I have 10 years of experience with all ages and levels. I use a lot of tricks and tools, but my main goal is to put the language in context, using it for a purpose, an action (like to buy something, find your way, etc.): it can be in real or simulated situations. I realy like to work on oral expression but i adapt to the students needs. Images, audios, games, i use a lot of things to make the lesson fun! Contact-me to start your first lesson with an experienced native teacher!
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(Evaluations: 314)
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22 $
Lenny Manlaysecurity_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
Langue maternelle
+2 autre(s)
Cours: 2 811Élèves: 306
Originаlly frоm Bоrdeаux, Frаnce, I аm а fully quаlified аnd experienced linguist оffering аffоrdаble French, English & Itаliаn tuitiоn tо аnyоne regаrdless оf аge аnd level. Patient, open and tolerant, I will tаilоr mаke yоur linguistic requirements. I will reseаrch аnd prоvide yоu with the teаching mаteriаl, recоmmending free оnline resоurces tо аssist yоu with yоur wоrk. Frоm lаnguаge teаching tо sаles, trаnslаtiоn, interpreting аnd custоmer cаre, my wide rаnge оf experience will help yоu succeed. I am proficient in corporate and educational teaching from children to adults. Please consult my feedback page to give you an idea what my students are saying about me. I hаve been vetted fоr security cleаrаnce, similаr tо а CRB check. My fees аre very cоmpetitive аnd negоtiаble if willing tо cоmmit tо severаl lessоns. Pleаse cоntаct me fоr аny questiоns yоu mаy hаve.
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(Evaluations: 1275)
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66 $
Diane Sbihisecurity_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
Langue maternelle
+4 autre(s)
Cours: 1 135Élèves: 95
It is about more than just teaching. It is about coaching 😉. Because after years of teaching and learning myself - a good teacher is before all a good learner - I discovered that the journey of learning involves much more than a simple “data” transfer : it is about meeting the unknown, overcoming the obstacles found in what you’re learning as well as in yourself, gaining self-confidence, and developing a new self that not only knows how to, but also enjoys learning. Anything. Now, in practical terms : I love creating a fun, relaxed, and effective program for your to learn through an enjoyable experience. A personalized and effective approach tailored to your personality, your needs, your goals, and your way of learning. Because the best way of teaching you is your own way of learning. Finally, in technical terms : I am a qualified teacher from the wordly famous Alliance Française, and I have been teaching professionally French and Arabic since 2012 (one-to-one lessons and groups...
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(Evaluations: 692)
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30 $
Charles Leméesecurity_checkedFlag
+2 autre(s)
Cours: 1 453Élèves: 66
Bonjour ! I'm Charles, a passionate French teacher with five years of experience, including extensive work on online platforms. I spent three years teaching at the Alliance Française in Aguascalientes, Mexico. I'm also a certified examiner for DELF, DALF, and TCF exams, and I've successfully helped students of all ages to prepare for these exams. I believe in creating a fun and supportive learning environment where each student feels comfortable and motivated. My teaching style is interactive and engaging, based on Alliance Française methods, using multimedia resources and real-life scenarios to make learning French both enjoyable and practical. Outside of teaching, I'm a sports enthusiast, a movie buff, a history lover, and a passionate traveler. I love bringing these interests into my lessons to provide a rich cultural experience for my students. I offer personalized learning plans tailored to your needs, and learning style. I also offer different methods for children and teen...
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(Evaluations: 510)
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16 $
Joel Msecurity_checkedFlag
Congo - Kinshasa
Langue maternelle
+4 autre(s)
Cours: 229Élèves: 51
Hello! My name is Joel I'm a native french tutor, currently living in Chicago USA. I am a young Teacher friendly with a lot of humor and rich in general knowledge, computer science I help my students learn by engaging in conversations with them to help me know what level they are in in French, read with them and help them understand the meaning of words, their correct pronunciations and how to use the words in sentence. I also help them by giving them dictation and new words to study everyday and some assignments to help them understand what they are studying and be able to engage in conversations. I have enough experience in online teaching and my methods of teaching is adapting to the specific wish of student to learn easily without any problem. Everyone is welcome to learn with me. Thank you. .
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(Evaluations: 49)
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35 $
Béatrice Martinsecurity_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
Cours: 458Élèves: 58
Bonjour ! Soy Béatrice, profesora nativa especializada en la enseñanza del francés. ¿Te interesan las clases de conversación, la gramática o te estás preparando para un examen? ¡Puedo ayudar! *Soy titulada universitaria y ofrezco mis servicios como profesora de francés. Poseo la titulación de docente de lengua francesa, el curso de formador de formadores, la certificación de “Enseigner le français langue étrangère aujourd’hui”- Parcours avancé (CAVILAM-Alliance Française) y tengo más de 14 años de experiencia como profesora de este idioma. He impartido clases en el Centro Especializado de Atención de Mayores de la Consellería de Bienestar Social (CEAM), en una empresa de ámbito nacional del sector Servicios, una entidad bancaria y varias academias; mi experiencia se extiende a todo tipo de alumnado (academias docentes, particulares, Ayuntamiento de Alicante, hoteles, etc.) La metodología y las técnicas usadas parten de las necesidades y conocimientos del alumno, que será el centro...
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(Evaluations: 209)
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45 $
Julia Raysecurity_checkedFlag
Langue maternelle
+4 autre(s)
Cours: 799Élèves: 57
Hi everyone, I am Julia, a French Native speaker teacher. I have been raised in a multicultural family (my mother is French, my father is Serbian, and they often communicated in English), so I grew up from a very early age with those three languages. I have been living in Paris until the age of 24, and then moved to the USA (New York City). I am now based in Milan since four years. I am passionated about sharing my knowledge on how to learn a foreign langage. My method is personalized on each student learning aptitude and interest, and rely on the discovery of a foreign culture, as a door towards a new universe. I have been teaching languages for more than ten years, and all my students were thrilled of the experience. They reached their learning objectives and had a great time discovering a new culture. If you would like to improve your language skill, and are curious about acceding to French culture in a special way, this course is for you!
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(Evaluations: 584)
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