How we use the verb in Italian “MANCARE” in Italian

How we use the verb in Italian “MANCARE” in Italian
Io manco
tu manchi
Lui/lei manca
Noi manchiamo
Voi mancate
Loro mancano

The verb essere is used as the auxiliary in the assato prossimo tense: “Mi sono mancati i miei amici.” or“I miei amici sono mancati a me”. – The verb mancare is singular when followed by an infinitive:“Mi manca mangiare gli spaghetti”. – Depending on which form of indirect pronoun you are using, the position of the object and the subject can be inverted:“Mi manca l’Italia” or“L’Italia manca a me.”

1.‘to miss’ someone or something’ is expressed in the following way in Italian:
mi manca la mia famiglia – I miss my family (literally: my family is missing for me)
mi mancano i giorni caldi dell’estate – I miss the hot summer days (literally: the hot summer days are missing for me)
non ti manca l’Inghilterra? – don’t you miss England? (literally: isn’t England missing for you?)
ti mancano i tuoi? – do you miss your parents? (literally: aren’t your parents missing for you?)
mi manchi – I miss you (literally: you are missing for me)

2.‘to miss’ as in miss a target or goal is expressed in the following way in Italian:
ha mancato la rete – he missed the goal
ho mancato il bersaglio per un pelo – I missed the target by a hair
other common uses of mancare:
quanto manca alla partenza? – how long before we leave? (literally: how much time is lacking before the departure?)
mancano dieci minuti – there are ten minutes left (literally: ten minutes are lacking)
che ore sono? …. mancano cinque minuti alle dieci – what time is it? …. it’s five to ten (literally: five minutes are lacking before ten)
mi mancano le chiavi – I haven’t got my keys with me (literally: my keys are lacking to me)
ci manca il latte – we haven’t got any milk left (literally: the milk is lacking to us)
è mancata la corrente – there was a power failure (literally: the current was lacking)
alla riunione mancava solo Giovanni – only Giovanni wasn’t at the meeting (literally: at the meeting there was missing only Giovanni)
we also use the word mancanza to express a lack, absence or shortage of someone/thing:
sento la sua mancanza – I miss him (literally: I feel his absence)
ha dimostrato una mancanza di tatto – he showed a lack of tact
durante la guerra c’era sempre una mancanza di cibo – there was always a lack of food during the war
7 maggio 2020
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Eleonora Boretti

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Hi! My name is Eleonora and i'm a native italian teacher. I'm from Florence, Florence is the cradle of the Italian language.:) I have a degree in foreign languages and literatures. I love to teach languages and I wait for you, for the first trial lesson! I SPEAK FLUENTLY ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, AND SPANISH. I lived in Russia during the university years. And in Russia I taught students Italian as an internship. I have lived in Spain and speak spanish almost as a native speaker. Меня зовут Элеонора, я италянка, из Флоренции. Флоренция - колыбель итальянского языка! :) Я преподаватель итальянского языка, и работаю как экскурсоводом здесь во Флоренции. Изучала русский язык в университете и жила в Санкт Петербурге уже 11 лет назад. Я жду вас для первого пробного урока! До встречи ! ¡Hola! Me llamo Eleonora. Soy Italiana, de Florencia, y Florencia es la cuna de la lengua italiana. :) Soy licenciada en Lenguas y Literaturas extranjeras.Viví en España, en Madrid, hace 9 años durante l...
Hi! My name is Eleonora and i'm a native italian teacher. I'm from Florence, Florence is the cradle of the Italian language.:) I have a degree in foreign languages and literatures. I love to teach languages and I wait for you, for the first trial lesson! I SPEAK FLUENTLY ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, AND SPANISH. I lived in Russia during the university years. And in Russia I taught students Italian as an internship. I have lived in Spain and speak spanish almost as a native speaker. Меня зовут Элеонора, я италянка, из Флоренции. Флоренция - колыбель итальянского языка! :) Я преподаватель итальянского языка, и работаю как экскурсоводом здесь во Флоренции. Изучала русский язык в университете и жила в Санкт Петербурге уже 11 лет назад. Я жду вас для первого пробного урока! До встречи ! ¡Hola! Me llamo Eleonora. Soy Italiana, de Florencia, y Florencia es la cuna de la lengua italiana. :) Soy licenciada en Lenguas y Literaturas extranjeras.Viví en España, en Madrid, hace 9 años durante l...
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