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32 $
Isabella security_checkedFlag
+ 2
Lezioni: 1 444Studenti: 197
Hello! My name is Isabella and I’m a Swedish native speaker from Stockholm. I love languages and have been learning foreign languages for a long time. Except language learning, I also enjoy travelling and mountainbiking. In 2014 I started teaching Swedish to people from across the world. My teaching approach varies depending on the students personal goals and level. I offer structured lessons for all levels, A1-C2. However, I also offer conversational classes if that is what you are looking for. I have an educational background in language and culture studies and I studied teaching Swedish as a second language at University West in Sweden. Please feel free to book your first lesson with me. I can’t wait to help you learn / improve your Swedish!
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(Valutazioni: 558)
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70 $
Cecilia Yrttiahosecurity_checkedFlag
+ 3
Lezioni: 216Studenti: 24
* Accepting one new student in fall 2024* I specialise in working with students who aim to pass official level tests in Swedish, such as the level tests for citizenship in Finland or Sweden, or the Tisus test for medical practitioners. I will guide you from your current level, and work both on general Swedish and targeted language if needed (for example medical vocabulary). Finally, I also enjoy working with anyone who wants to learn Swedish as a long-term goal. I will provide a great variety of materials in order to make your learning both thorough and fun! I teach both the Swedish language spoken I Swedish and Finnish Swedish, as spoken in Finland. Please send me a message to agree on a time to meet. I look forward to working with you! Best, Cecilia
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(Valutazioni: 129)
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30 $
Anna Scheweniussecurity_checkedFlag
+ 2
Lezioni: 22Studenti: 7
Hi! I'm a qualified teacher in English and Swedish as a second language -- the 5 year long university programme at Gothenburg University qualifies me to teach students aged 13 and up, which means I have good knowledge around how to teach English and Swedish all the way from the beginning stages to more advanced language learning. I'm born and raised in Sweden and one of my favourite things is learning new languages. I sincerely hope to see you in one of my classes! // Hej! Jag är utbildad lärare i engelska och svenska som andraspråk -- den 5-åriga utbildningen på Göteborgs Universitet ger mig behörighet att undervisa elever från åldrarna 13 och uppåt, vilket innebär att jag har god kunskap i hur man lär ut engelska och svenska hela vägen från nybörjarstadiet till den mer avancerade språkinlärningen. Jag är född och uppvuxen i Sverige och en av mina favoritsaker är att lära mig nya språk. Jag hoppas att vi ses på en lektion!
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(Valutazioni: 9)
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42 $
Kickan Hagroossecurity_checkedFlag
Lezioni: 2 366Studenti: 42
Jag är språklärare, född och uppvuxen i Sverige. Jag bor i den vackra huvudstaden Stockholm. Jag har lång erfarenhet av undervisning med över 20 år i det svenska skolsystemet och de senaste fem åren som frilansande språk- och interkulturell konsult. Jag jobbar med människor i finansvärlden, hälsosektorn och IT, bl a. Mest med personer som flyttat till Stockholm för eller med arbete. Jag gillar verkligen mitt yrke, och jag tror att det r det bästa sättet att bli bra på vad man gör - att göra det man verkligen gillar! I am a language teacher, native to Sweden and living in the beautiful capital, Stockholm. I have a long experience as a teacher, with over 20 years in schools, and the last five years as a Swedish and intercultural consultant, working with people from the finance sector as well as the medical sector and IT, people that have moved to Stockholm for or with work. I really enjoy it, and I think that is the best way of getting good at what you do - doing what you like!
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(Valutazioni: 96)
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