Avez-vous un cœur d'artichaut ? De pierre ? D'or ?

En mai, commence la saison des artichauts en France !
Voilà une belle occasion d’expliquer l'expression : avoir un cœur d'artichaut
« Avoir un cœur d'artichaut » signifie donner son cœur facilement, tomber amoureux sans discernement,à tout bout de champ. Dire que quelqu'un a un cœur d'artichaut est donc négatif.
« Avoir un cœur de pierre » est l’opposé d’avoir un cœur d’artichaut. Cela signifie être insensible aux autres. Dire que quelqu'un a un cœur de pierre est donc négatif.

Alors, avez-vous plutôt un cœur de pierre ou un cœur d’artichaut ? Ou votre cœur est-il tout simplement en or ? « Avoir un cœur d’or » signifie être très gentil, généreux et sensible aux autres. C’est extrêmement positif.

Have you got the heart of an artichoke? The heart of a stone? Or a golden heart?

It is the beginning of artichoke time in France!
So I grab the opportunity to explain the idiom: having an artichoke heart.

Having an artichoke heart means falling easily in love, too easily and too often. It is considered as something negative.

Having a stone heart is the opposite. It means having no feeling for anybody. It is considered as something negative.

So, do you rather have an artichoke heart or a stone heart? Or do you simply have a golden heart?

Having a golden heart means being utterly kind, generous and sensible. Being a golden heart is a huge compliment.
2018년 5월 24일
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Carine C.

나의 언어:
Bonjour ! I am a French native living in France and I have been a personal tutor for 7 years. I have experience teaching a broad range of pupils from beginner to advanced levels of all ages including children and senior citizens. I have also coached pupils for GCSE and A level oral examinations. Aside from teaching privately, I have also been teaching two groups in an English company for five years. I also taught groups of children for the UK company: Les Puces Early Years French Classes. My lessons are tailor-made and will follow your needs, suggestions and demands to meet your goals and expectations. We will decide together what we will do and adapt if necessary. I always suggest homework as it is important for reinforcing the language learning but of course this is optional. We can have conversations, discussions or debates, so we can speak as much as possible (I will correct your mistakes) but we can also have formal lessons with grammar, spelling, verbs and idioms. We...
나의 언어:
Bonjour ! I am a French native living in France and I have been a personal tutor for 7 years. I have experience teaching a broad range of pupils from beginner to advanced levels of all ages including children and senior citizens. I have also coached pupils for GCSE and A level oral examinations. Aside from teaching privately, I have also been teaching two groups in an English company for five years. I also taught groups of children for the UK company: Les Puces Early Years French Classes. My lessons are tailor-made and will follow your needs, suggestions and demands to meet your goals and expectations. We will decide together what we will do and adapt if necessary. I always suggest homework as it is important for reinforcing the language learning but of course this is optional. We can have conversations, discussions or debates, so we can speak as much as possible (I will correct your mistakes) but we can also have formal lessons with grammar, spelling, verbs and idioms. We...
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