What will you hear me saying during our lessons


Dear Student,

if you landed here there's a good chance that you are willing to learn a new language here on this amazing digital platform.
I can't tell you that you will succeed, but I promise you that here on Verbling you will find a long list of skilled teachers and really valuable tools to help you learning and improving.

If it's Italian language that you are willing to study and you chose me as a teacher (first of all thank you - GRAZIE :-D) but you don't know where to start, here's a list of words and sentences that you will hear from me when using Verbling tools.

Enjoy the reading, and don't hesitate to ask me any question ๐Ÿ˜„ !

SIAMO PRONTI PER INIZIARE? (Are we ready to start?)

MOLTO BENE! - BENISSIMO! - OTTIMO! - PERFETTO! - EVVAI! (Very good! - Excellent! - Perfect! - Yeah!)

NELLA CARTELLA DEI MATERIALI ( inside working materials folder)

LO ADORO! (I love it!)
MI PIACE (I like it)
รˆ CORRETTO (it's correct)

ATTENZIONE! / GUARDA BENE! (Look closely --> meaning "something went wrong here and need to be fixed" ;-D)

USA IL PUNTATORE (please, use laser pointer to show me)

SELEZIONA ... (please, select...)

CANCELLA ... (please, erase...)

SCEGLI UN COLORE (please, pick a color)

SCRIVI ... (please, write...)

PUOI SCRIVERLO? (please, could you write it down?)

DISEGNA ... (please, draw ...)

PUOI DISEGNARLO? (please, could you draw it?)

EVIDENZIA ... (please, underline...)

PUOI EVIDENZIARLO? (please, could you underline it?)

UNISCI CON UNA FRECCIA (please, join with an arrow)

PARLIAMO/ SCRIVIAMO NELLA CHAT (let's talk / let's write it in the chatroom)
AGGIUNGI UNA NUOVA FLASHCARD (please, add a new flashcard)

CI VEDIAMO PRESTO! - ALLA PROSSIMA LEZIONE! (see you soon! - see you at the next lesson!)

Ciao, a presto!
2020๋…„ 6์›” 11์ผ
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๋‚˜์˜ ์–ธ์–ด:
I'm Marika, I teach Italian, and my teaching method is based on number 5! That doesn't mean that you can learn Italian just practicing 5 minutes a day. And I can't promise that in 5 week you'll be perfecly fluent. I'm sorry! That doesn't depend on me: that depends on you! But what I can promise is that using this Method you will change the way you learn languages. And that includes Italian, of course. This Method is based on 5 Italian letters, that happen to be vowels, each one corresponding to an Italian verb: A - ACQUISIRE - AQUIRE E - ESAMINARE - EXAMINE I - INTERORIZZARE - INTERNALIZE O - ORGANIZZARE - ORGANIZE U - USARE - USE If you are curious to know more about this Method you can book a lesson, become a student and I'll be glad to be your Italian language teacher! And here are 10 more things about me: - I'm 35 - I'm from Milan - I studied Art History and Museology at University - I am certified to teach Italian as second language (DITALS I) - I own a personal bran...
๋‚˜์˜ ์–ธ์–ด:
I'm Marika, I teach Italian, and my teaching method is based on number 5! That doesn't mean that you can learn Italian just practicing 5 minutes a day. And I can't promise that in 5 week you'll be perfecly fluent. I'm sorry! That doesn't depend on me: that depends on you! But what I can promise is that using this Method you will change the way you learn languages. And that includes Italian, of course. This Method is based on 5 Italian letters, that happen to be vowels, each one corresponding to an Italian verb: A - ACQUISIRE - AQUIRE E - ESAMINARE - EXAMINE I - INTERORIZZARE - INTERNALIZE O - ORGANIZZARE - ORGANIZE U - USARE - USE If you are curious to know more about this Method you can book a lesson, become a student and I'll be glad to be your Italian language teacher! And here are 10 more things about me: - I'm 35 - I'm from Milan - I studied Art History and Museology at University - I am certified to teach Italian as second language (DITALS I) - I own a personal bran...
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