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Nadja Riesner

3:53 AM (GMT+02:00)

나의 언어

스웨덴어 (Swedish)

원어민 쌤 프로필

Welcome to my profile! I'm a German native speaker from Germany whose been teaching the language in both English and Spanish for a few years now and am equipped to teach all levels. For me, it is important to teach the language both efficiently and sustainably. I am constantly in the process of learning languages myself, so I understand which methods work and how to avoid and resolve frustration. I can provide my own language material that I've developed based on my experiences as a learner. I have practiced various teaching styles and can adjust to the needs of my student. For example, you can let me know whether you prefer to be explained things in English or Spanish or whether you'd like to be completely immersed in the language from the beginning and want lessons to be purely in German. I can help you prepare for exams, work conversations or vacations. We can work on a schedule tailored specifically to you and your needs so that you can reach your goals. Language learning shouldn't be purely technical though, I believe that it is necessary to develop a personal connection to the language. That's what I want most for my students - to provide them with a home in the language. Languages unlock parts of our identity that we didn't know we had before and there's nothing more exciting than that, is there? With me, learning is fun, educational and personal.

Bienvenido a mi perfil! Soy hablante nativa de Alemania y estoy enseñando alemán tanto en inglés como en español desde hace varios años ya y soy capaz de enseñar todos los niveles. Para mí, es importante enseñar de manera eficaz y sostenible. Estoy constantemente en el proceso de aprender idiomas yo misma por lo cual sé cuáles son los métodos que funcionan de verdad y cómo evitar y resolver frustraciones. Puedo ofrecer mi proprio material de aprendizaje que se basa en mi experiencia como estudiante. He practicado varias formas de enseñar durante los años y puedo adaptarme a las nececidades de mis estudiantes. Por ejemplo, déjame saber si prefieres que te explique las cosas en inglés o español o si prefieres estar completamente sumergido desde el inicio y tener las sesiones en alemán. Puedo ayudar a prepararte para exámenes, conversaciones en el trabajo o vacaciones. Podemos crear un horario específicamente para ti y tus necesidades para que puedas lograr todo lo que quieras. El aprendizaje no debe ser puramente técnico, creo que es necesario encontrar una conexión más profunda con el idioma. Eso es lo que quiero para mis estudiantes - darles un hogar en el idioma. Los idiomas nos abren nuevas partes de nuestra identidad que antes no conocíamos y no hay nada más emocionante que eso, ¿cierto? Conmigo, aprender es divertido, educativo y personal.
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교육 경력


2016 - 2019
Master German literature
Eberhard-Karls Universität - Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Specialized in Post-War poetry
2012 - 2016
Bachelor German Studies and Philosophy
Eberhard-Karls Universität - Tübingen, Baden-Würrtemberg, Germany
Major both linguistics and literature, minor in philosophy


2018 - 2019
Language Partner | Sprachpartner
Italk Sprachschule - Zürich, Switzerland
I talked to the students via video call, practising their material, focusing on grammar and new vocabulary and giving them an opportunity to speak with a native speaker about all sorts of different subjects. The only document I have from my time working there is the framework agreement.
2020 - 0
Independent Teacher
Aprender alemán con Nadja - Germany
I created my own professional website and accounts on social media where I offer material for students who speak Spanish as their native language. All the material was created by myself an consists of infographics, articles, videos and more.


2017 - 2018
Training Intercultural
Eberhard-Karls Universität - Tübingen, Baden-Würrtemberg, Germany
Certificate of a C1-level class in Spanish teaching Intercultural Skills (as a student)