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Un Jeong

map_pinGüney Kore
6:16 AM (GMT+09:00)


Ana Dil



Who I am/was?

- Korean Native and Seoul Citizen
- Working in Multinational IT Company
- Great Voice Imitator (ex. Korean Celebrity and Singer)
- Big fan of Korean entertainment and lifestyle
- A volunteer Reading a book for blind people
- A language exchange volunteer with foreign students for 4 years at the University

I guarantee you to provide:

- The customized classes based on your interest
- The list of Basic & Real-life Korean expression and grammar
- Kpop Lyrics, Movie & Drama Script, Interesting Topic about Korea
- Being your best Korean friend

How can I support you to learn Korean?

- Understanding of your purpose why you want to learn Korean
- Checking your Korean skill and fluency for a customized class
- Consulting to agree on proper Korean education method with you
- Preparing for the tailored material especially for you
- Supporting to keep capturing your interests in Korean


안녕하세요? 저는 UN이라고 합니다. 저는 서울 한국에 살고 현재 다국적 회사에서 일하고 있습니다..

Hi Everyone, my name is Un Jeong and I live in Seoul, Korea. I am currently working at a multinational IT company.

제가 여러분들께 한국어 공부를 도와주고 싶은 이유는 저역시 제 2 외국어를 공부할때 많은 친구들로부터 도움을 받았고 저 역시 같은 도움을 줄 수 있는 사람이 되고 싶어서 입니다.

The reason why I would like to support your Korean learning is because I got a lot of support from many foreign friends when I first began studying a second language. So, I would like to return the favor by being a good friend and assisting you with learning Korean!

제 2외국어를 배우는 것은 정말 멋진 일인 것 같아요. 그리고 한국어를 선택했다는 건 무언인가가 당신의 흥미를 이끌었을거라 믿어요.

I think that learning a second language together with gaining cultural insights is an amazing experience and I definitely can introduce you to various aspects of Korean culture that will draw your interest.

아마 음악, 영화, 드라마 또는 한국의 문화와 같은 것일 것 같은데요. 그 이유가 무엇이어도 좋습니다. 저는 당신이 계속해서 한국어를 배우고 싶고 그 흥미를 잃지 않도록 계속 동기부여해주고싶습니다.

I think that there are many things such as Movies, Drama, Music, and something related to Korean culture I assume. No matter what you are interested in, K-pop, k-drama, movies etc, the ultimate aim of the class is to keep you learning Korean as well as motivating you are not to lose interest in your language learning journey.

비록 온라인 상에서의 강의가 진행될테지만, 괘찮아요. 강의를 통해서 서로에 대해 많이 알아가고 궁긍에는 당신의 가장 가까운 한국인 친구가 되고싶습니다.

Even though my lessons are held online, I bet we could possibly get to know each other very well, and eventually, I could become your best Korean friend.

제 이야기를 들어주어서 감사해요. 항상 건강하고 즐거운 날들을 보내시길바랍니다!

Thank you for reading my bio! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Devamını Oku

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2007 - 2012
B.A. Industrial Engineering
Dongguk University - Seoul, Korea
B.A. Industrial Engineering

briefcaseÇalışma Deneyimi

2019 - 2019
Volunteer Reading a book for blind people
Korea Asset Management Corporation - Seoul, Korea
Volunteer Reading a book for blind people by Korean
2009 - 2013
language exchange volunteer with foreign students
Dongguk University - Seoul, Korea
A language exchange volunteer with foreign students (American, Japanese, Chinese, and Etc.) for 4 years at the University