幾秒Oubbadah Alabbar6 年前阿拉伯語The Arabic Levantine Idioms Some levantine idioms “TO BE WAITING WITH EMPTY PATIENCE” To be waiting impatiently or nervously for...
幾秒Oubbadah Alabbar6 年前阿拉伯語How to Conjugate for Levantine Arabic Verbs in Present Tense أنت Anta You (masculine) تكتب taktub أنت Anti You (feminine) تكتبين taktubeena أنتما – مذكر Antuma...
幾秒Oubbadah Alabbar6 年前阿拉伯語Learning Arabic everyday life conversations In this article, I’ll show some Arabic conversation phrases, and providing the English translation....
幾秒Oubbadah Alabbar6 年前阿拉伯語Discovering MODERN STANDARD Arabic & Alphabet Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), is the official language in the 22 Arab countries represented in the...