套裝課程 15% 折扣優惠
15% 折扣優惠

Viktoras Iliopoulos

5:56 AM (GMT+02:00)阿爾巴尼亞語
Hello there! My name is Viktor, I am 31 years old, and I have a master's diploma in Βalkanistics at Charles University in Prague, with specialization Albanian&Bulgarian Languages. I finished my bachelor's degree in Slavistics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Slavistics. Since my childhood, I had a big passion for learning foreign languages. I started this fascinating journey to the world of foreign languages quite equipped since I had two equal mother tongues Albanian and Greek. I can also speak in very advanced level Russian, English, Bulgarian, Czech, and a bit of German. I love traveling, I enjoy talking about politics, history, geography, and other various topics.
I started teaching the Albanian Language at the age of 20 mostly out of curiosity to some of my friends. Since that time, I realized that not only did I love doing that but also that I was good at it. So I realized I should learn the language from all its aspects and in December 2013 I gave written and oral examinations for the C2 Proficiency Certificate in the School of Philology of the University of Tirana and passed with the highest grade. If you are a beginner we could start our lesson literally from zero. After some lessons, we can work with textbooks that I have for English speakers. If you are on a more advanced level we could proceed with workbooks of level B1+ or even proceed with various articles, TV shows, news, and professional articles that I have about the Albanian language of Eqerem Çabej, Mehmet Elezi, and other scholars from Albania and Kosovo. Moreover, in my master thesis, I was coping with dialectology so I could also be a good guide to this messing world of Albanian dialects, which are strongly present in Albanians' everyday life sometimes even in formal cases.
更多I started teaching the Albanian Language at the age of 20 mostly out of curiosity to some of my friends. Since that time, I realized that not only did I love doing that but also that I was good at it. So I realized I should learn the language from all its aspects and in December 2013 I gave written and oral examinations for the C2 Proficiency Certificate in the School of Philology of the University of Tirana and passed with the highest grade. If you are a beginner we could start our lesson literally from zero. After some lessons, we can work with textbooks that I have for English speakers. If you are on a more advanced level we could proceed with workbooks of level B1+ or even proceed with various articles, TV shows, news, and professional articles that I have about the Albanian language of Eqerem Çabej, Mehmet Elezi, and other scholars from Albania and Kosovo. Moreover, in my master thesis, I was coping with dialectology so I could also be a good guide to this messing world of Albanian dialects, which are strongly present in Albanians' everyday life sometimes even in formal cases.