3 Must Know Things When You Learn Korean

Many students learning Korean think that the language is more difficult to learn than other languages. However, that might not be true. I may say that they have not been accustomed to the system of the grammar yet. It will be much easier if they understand how the language works before learning. In this article, I would like to share three tips that Korean learners must know.

1. Get used to the word order.

The first tip is to get used to the word order. Normally in English, the word order goes as subject, verb, and object: S+V+O. On the contrary, Korean has different ones. The order typically goes as subject, object, and verb: S+O+V. The orders also can be changed depending on what part of speech the speaker want to empathize or how he or she wants to express. Nonetheless, the verb stays at the end of sentences mostly. If the learners become comfortable with the orders, the learning will be much easier.
ex) English
I eat pizza
subject verb object

저는 피자를 먹어요.
subject object verb

2. Study the functions of the particles and the endings of the verbs.

Particles are the markers of the parts of speech. In other words, the learners can figure out how the parts are working in sentences. The particles are always located next to the nouns. Although the word order of a sentence is changed, learners can understand the sentence looking at the particles. Equally, the ending of the verbs decide many things: manner, tense, character of the sentence (declarative, interrogative, imperative, etc.) It is always good to check the last syllables of each part of speech.
햄버거 좋아해요.
스티븐 내일 미국.

3. Keep in mind that subjects are often omitted.

In Korean conversation, the speakers often omit the subject in their sentences. If someone joins the talk midway, it takes time for them find out what or who is the topic or the subject of the dialogue. Regularly, the speakers mention the subject in the first sentence and continue the conversation without it unless they need to clarify. Moreover, they can start talking without it when the topic is themselves. For the learners, practicing the omission of the subject eventually leads to high fluency of Korean language.
ex) (빌은) 밥 먹었어요?
Bill meal ate?

아니요. (저는) 안 먹었어요.
no, I no ate

Korean language seems to have its specific grammar that gives learners some difficulties. Nevertheless, the structure includes simpler and more scientific laws to understand rather than it looks. If learners are still struggling to achieve their goals, these three tips might help the learners study easily and motivate themselves better: getting used to the order, studying the functions of the particles and the endings of verbs, and not minding to produce sentences without subject.
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Looking for an experienced teacher?? 안녕하세요~ Hello, Verbling Friends. My name is Bill. I have been teaching Korean online and offline since 2017. I graduated from Cameron University, Oklahoma, USA. My major is called International Languages which the students choose two foreign languages to study. I speak English, Korean, and Spanish. I have various experiences in language learning. So, I understand how frustrating language learning is and whenever students face problems, I can offer the best solutions to them. Generally, I offer two types of Classes for my students: 1. Regular Course: During classes we use university course books that cover all areas of language learning: reading, grammar, speaking, listening, and writing. 2. Conversation: this class is for intermediate students who already have much knowledge of Korean learning. We talk about a specific theme, and I correct the student's mistakes and suggest better ways to express. To tell the t...
Looking for an experienced teacher?? 안녕하세요~ Hello, Verbling Friends. My name is Bill. I have been teaching Korean online and offline since 2017. I graduated from Cameron University, Oklahoma, USA. My major is called International Languages which the students choose two foreign languages to study. I speak English, Korean, and Spanish. I have various experiences in language learning. So, I understand how frustrating language learning is and whenever students face problems, I can offer the best solutions to them. Generally, I offer two types of Classes for my students: 1. Regular Course: During classes we use university course books that cover all areas of language learning: reading, grammar, speaking, listening, and writing. 2. Conversation: this class is for intermediate students who already have much knowledge of Korean learning. We talk about a specific theme, and I correct the student's mistakes and suggest better ways to express. To tell the t...
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