1 分钟🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆7 年前英语3 common errors involving modal verbsThe vast majority of my students in 10 years of teaching English have been Spanish speaking, mainly from...
几秒🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆6 年前英语English common error: wrong pronunciation after a decimal pointMany of my students over the years, especially Spanish speaking ones, pronounce numbers wrongly after...
1 分钟🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆6 年前英语THE VERB 'COOK' IS NOT USED FOR FOOD MADE WITH FLOUR PREPARED IN AN OVEN: Students in my English classes unfortunately wrongly use 'cook' when flour-based food items are prepared...
几秒🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆6 年前西班牙语For Spanish speakers learning English: translating 'mudarse de casa' If you are changing your place of residence, often my Spanish students (and others) learning English...
1 分钟🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆7 年前英语For Spanish Learners: "LOS REYES MAGOS" are not called "THE MAGIC KINGS" and the word for "CABALGATA"In Spain, and if you are reading this you will probably know, January 6 is typically called "Día de los...
几秒🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆6 年前英语THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'ALL' AND 'EVERYTHING' ‘All’ and ‘everything’ both suggest generally the same: totality. ‘All’ suggests the wholeness of...
1 分钟🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆8 年前英语Are you doing your best to increase your English level?Learning a language to your desired level doesn't have to be as hard as you may think. Like most significant...
几秒🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆7 年前英语Don't Study All The GrammarAfter 11 years teaching English and over 8,000 classes, it has become obvious that too many of my English...