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Language Retention
Ok a quick history about myself. I've spent the last year living and working in China as an English Teacher....
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Italian proverbs I
Proverbs are important in the process of learning a language. In fact they represent as well a journey...
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Mi piace e non mi piace!
Cari amici di verbling, oggi rivediamo come si usa il verbo PIACERE. Questo verbo ha una costruzione...
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Chinois mandarin
How do Chinese greet to each other?
中国人是怎么见面打招呼的 当中国人第一次见到一个人的时候通常会说:“你好,我叫。。, 请多关照。” 当中国人早上起来碰到每天见面的人,比如同学或者同事,通常会说“早” 或者 “早安”。 如果你和那个人关系特别好,你通常还会问他“吃早饭了吗”。...