90 words of the Russian language that you know for sure!

1. Astronom - астроном

2. Ballet - балет

3. Band - банда

4. Bank - банк

5. Basketball - баскетбол

6. Baton - батон

7. Bestseller - бестселлер

8. Bistro - бистро

9. Blank - бланк

10. Blender - блендер

11. Blockbuster - блокбастер

12. Blog - блог

13. Bowling - боулинг

14. Bravo – браво

15. Broker - брокер

16. Bucket - букет

17. Cabinet - кабинет

18. Camera - камера

19. Catharsis - катарсис

20. Cheeseburger - чизбургер

21. Class - класс

22. Climax - климакс

23. Compliment - комплимент

24. Computer - компьютер

25. Continent - континент

26. Corridor - коридор

27. Default - дефолт

28. Display - дисплей

29. Doctor - доктор

30. Document - документ

31. Doping - допинг

32. Euro - евро

33. Fabric - фабрика

34. File - файл

35. Final - финал

36. Fitness - фитнесс

37. Football - футбол

38. Freelance - фриланс

39. Garage - гараж

40. Glamour - гламур

41. Goose - гусь

42. Grant - грант

43. Hamburger - гамбургер

44. Hooligan - хулиган

45. Idiot - идиот

46. Impeachment - импичмент

47. Interview - интервью

48. Jam - джем

49. Journalist - журналист

50. Lifting -лифтинг

51. Liqueur - ликёр

52. Login - логин

53. Management - менеджмент

54. Marketing - маркетинг

55. Medic - медик

56. Menu - меню

57. Microphone - микрофон

58. Monitor - монитор

59. Music - музыка

60. Opera - опера

61. Outsider - аутсайдер

62. Passport - паспорт

63. Pastor - пастор

64. Photo - фото

65. Pioneer - пионер

66. Planet - планета

67. Post - пост

68. Printer - принтер

69. Professional - профессионал

70. Prospect - проспект

71. Puzzle - пазл

72. Receipt - рецепт

73. Referee - рефери

74. Risk – риск

75. Site - сайт

76. Sport - спорт

77. Sportsman - спортсмен

78. Stool - стул

79. Student - студент

80. Supermarket - супермаркет

81. Telephone - телефон

82. Tennis - теннис

83. Thriller - триллер

84. Tourist - турист

85. Trend - тренд

86. Video - видео

87. Vitamins – витамины

88. Volleyball – волейбол

89. Yacht - яхта

90. Yoga - йога

٢٥ كانون الأول ديسمبر ٢٠١٩
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Nadiia Olefirenko

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اللغة الروسية
اللغة الأكرانية
متحدث أصلي
اللغة الروسية
متحدث أصلي
Want to learn Russian, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe stuck halfway due to a number of difficulties? Difficulties pronouncing some letters of the alphabet. Misunderstanding of the difference between the six cases. A variety of words that change meaning when emphasis is changed, personal pronouns. Not to mention outlandish phrases like "yes, no, probably." Such problems are encountered by everyone who begins to learn Russian. But, if you were told that everything can be solved! The main thing is to find your teacher with whom you will learn not only the Russian language, but also begin to understand the mentality of Russians. This will help you to communicate more easily, do business, travel, and possibly even meet your soulmate in Russia or Russian-speaking countries. Would you be interested? Meanwhile, it is real! Becoming my student, you will achieve these goals! Your benefits from working with me: - accessibility: the presentation of the material is clear and easy;...
اللغة الروسية
اللغة الأكرانية
متحدث أصلي
اللغة الروسية
متحدث أصلي
Want to learn Russian, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe stuck halfway due to a number of difficulties? Difficulties pronouncing some letters of the alphabet. Misunderstanding of the difference between the six cases. A variety of words that change meaning when emphasis is changed, personal pronouns. Not to mention outlandish phrases like "yes, no, probably." Such problems are encountered by everyone who begins to learn Russian. But, if you were told that everything can be solved! The main thing is to find your teacher with whom you will learn not only the Russian language, but also begin to understand the mentality of Russians. This will help you to communicate more easily, do business, travel, and possibly even meet your soulmate in Russia or Russian-speaking countries. Would you be interested? Meanwhile, it is real! Becoming my student, you will achieve these goals! Your benefits from working with me: - accessibility: the presentation of the material is clear and easy;...
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The Origins of popular English Idioms
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Jen Mc Monagle
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