Learning Arabic everyday life conversations

In this article, I’ll show some Arabic conversation phrases, and providing the English translation. These should help you get a feel for the language, and help you get some simple dialogue: Greetings & Goodbyes English Phrases & Arabic Phrases English Greetings & Arabic Greetings: Hi! سلام Good morning! صباح الخير Good evening! مساء الخير Welcome! مرحبا How are you? كيف حالك؟ I'm fine, thanks! أنا بخير شكرا And you? و أنت؟ Good جيد Thank you (very much)! (شكرا (جزيلا I missed you so much! إشتقت إليك كثيرا What's new? ما لجديد؟ Nothing much لا شيء جديد Good night! تصبح/ تصبحين على خير See you later! أراك في مابعد Good bye! مع السلامة Introductions for male: What’s your name? ما إسمك؟ My name is… إسمي Where are you from? من أين أنت؟ I’m from… أنا من Where do you live? أين تسكن؟ I live in France أعيش في فرنسا What do you do for a living? ما مهنتك؟ I work as a… أعمل How old are you? كم هو عمرك؟ I’m (thirty) years old عمري (ثلاثين) سنة It’s nice to meet you سعيد بلقائك Do you speak Arabic? هل تتكلم اللغة العربية؟ Slightly/Some قليلا
٣٠ آب أغسطس ٢٠١٨
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Oubbadah Alabbar

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اللغة العربية
1 412
اللغة العربية
متحدث أصلي
Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my profile. I’m Oubbadah, a native Arabic speaker from Syria (living in Lebanon). I Teach both English and Arabic for non-native speakers., since 2000, for all ages (children, teenagers, and adults). I enjoy meeting people, learning about new cultures, exercising and most importantly chatting with people from around the world in English - Arabic Language. My hobbies are travelling, cooking, football, basketball and table tennis. I graduated from Damascus university with a bachelor’s degree in science and a high studies in the same field, and I have a A Postgraduate Diploma in (TDE) Teaching Diploma in Education from LIU university, in Lebanon, Focus on teaching English and Arabic Languages, techniques of teaching, curriculum design & Evaluation, Advanced Methods of Teaching Humanities and Language, non-native language teacher, Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and a certificate in teaching from Laureate international university i...
اللغة العربية
1 412
اللغة العربية
متحدث أصلي
Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my profile. I’m Oubbadah, a native Arabic speaker from Syria (living in Lebanon). I Teach both English and Arabic for non-native speakers., since 2000, for all ages (children, teenagers, and adults). I enjoy meeting people, learning about new cultures, exercising and most importantly chatting with people from around the world in English - Arabic Language. My hobbies are travelling, cooking, football, basketball and table tennis. I graduated from Damascus university with a bachelor’s degree in science and a high studies in the same field, and I have a A Postgraduate Diploma in (TDE) Teaching Diploma in Education from LIU university, in Lebanon, Focus on teaching English and Arabic Languages, techniques of teaching, curriculum design & Evaluation, Advanced Methods of Teaching Humanities and Language, non-native language teacher, Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and a certificate in teaching from Laureate international university i...
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The Origins of popular English Idioms
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Jen Mc Monagle
٧ آب أغسطس ٢٠٢٠