Some interesting facts about Arabic letters

1. Arabic is written from right to left. So all the publications (books, magazines, newspapers,..) are opened from right to left.
2. Arabic letters have to be connected to each other, in each word. If they are not connected they will not give meaning even if they are written in the correct order. Except for abbreviations.
3. All Arabic letters connect to the previous letter, but only 22 letters connect to the following letter and 6 letters don’t connect.
4. Arabic has no capital and small letters. But each letter has different shapes according to its position in the word, at the beginning, at the middle and at the end.
5. Arabic has 28 letters. 25 letters are consonants and 3 are long vowels, and 2 of them can work as consonants.
١٩ آذار مارس ٢٠٢٠