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 ٢٦ ثانية
منذ ٤ أعوام
When you describe someone who is easily duped or cheated in Korean, you can say '팔랑귀'. It is a combination...
 ٣٩ ثانية
منذ ٤ أعوام
Idioms : 김칫국 마시다
There is a common phrase '김칫국 마시다[gim-chi-kkuk-ma-si-da, -chid-/.' in Korea, which means 'counting one's...
 ٣٨ ثانية
منذ ٤ أعوام
Meanings of You
You mean everything. :-) Basically, it signifies a listener, but It has 5 different meanings below. ...
 ١٨ ثانية
منذ ٤ أعوام
Buzzword 01 '확찐자'
In Korea, when someone is confirmed to COVID-19, we call that person '확진자'. It pronounced [확찐자]. It...
 ٢٣ ثانية
منذ ٤ أعوام
My room is a pigsty!
••• 내 방 폭탄맞았어! My room was bombed! ••• 내 방 돼지우리야! My room is a pigsty! When your room, or any other...
 ١٨ ثانية
منذ ٤ أعوام
고맙습니다 vs 감사합니다
Korean has two ways of expression of 'Thank you'. Which is more polite? 고맙습니다, or 감사합니다? Do they have...