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How often is the word "we 우리" used in your language? How about Korean?

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How often is the word "we 우리" used in your language?
In Korean, the word "we, us 우리" was found to be the 13th most commonly used language. I think it's evidence that Koreans value the group they call 우리.

By reference, the word "We"are ranked 29th in English.
Nous, which means we in French, ranked 47th.
Wir, which means we in German, ranked 77th in frequency of use.

The frequency of use may vary slightly depending on the time of the survey.

Would you like to go to my house? = 우리 집(Our house)에 갈래?
This is my mom=우리 엄마(Our mom)
Come visit my country=우리 나라(Our country)로 놀러 오세요
My team manager has a nice personality.=우리 팀장님(Our team manager) 성격 좋으세요.