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Marilyn S.Flag
electronicsTech Savvy
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5.0 (المراجعات: 532)
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+2 أخرى
الدروس: 1 013طلاب: 69
I'm a German native and I've lived near Cape Town, South Africa since 2002, teaching the local and foreign community in my mother tongue. I’ve presented my own German show at Radio Helderberg 93.6fm until 2014, and I still do voice recordings for the radio station and other clients on an ad-hoc basis. I’ve been passionate about languages all my life and studied English, French, Spanish, Afrikaans, and isiXhosa at university. My main focus, however, remains on the German and English languages, which are spoken by millions of people around the world and will open doors to each person wanting to acquire not only a rich vocabulary but take on an entire culture that, for centuries, has produced fine literature and some of the world’s greatest minds. I received my BA degree in English from the University of Cape Town in 2008, having worked in the accounts and customer care departments at a German television provider based in South Africa from 2006-2020. I’m a member of SATI (the South ...
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Sandra K.Flag
ممتاز للمتوسطين
Goes the Extra Mile
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السيرة الذاتية
4.9 (المراجعات: 63)
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الدروس: 233طلاب: 51
My name is Sandra and I am a qualified Teacher with a Masters of Education in German and English as a Second Language, Physical Education , Religion and Art with 5 years of experience in teaching at various schools in Germany , Australia, Asia, Canada. My teaching style is very interactive and I try to adjust it to everyone's needs. Every student is different and learns differently. My goal is to equip my students with tools and also to inspire them with my enthusiasm for the German language & culture. I love to travel and have been to various countries all of the world and taught German and English on the way. Furthermore, I have been teaching German online for 2 years. Mein Name ist Sandra Kappler und ich bin ausgebildete Realschullehrerin. Ich habe im Süden von Deutschland meinen Master in Englisch, Deutsch , Sport, Kunst und Religion absolviert. Nach dem Studium habe ich 2 Jahre an einer Realschule Kinder von der 5. - 10. Klasse unterrichtet. Vor 4 Jahren habe ich ein Angeb...
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Nele H.Flag
electronicsTech Savvy
Goes the Extra Mile
flex_bicepsMotivation Guru
٤٦ US$
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 1342)
متحدث أصلي
+3 أخرى
الدروس: 1 749طلاب: 86
>> please contact first << current timezone Indochina (GMT+7) Cheerio Guys, I'm Nele from northern Germany and currently studying. Travelling and living abroad for the last years brought me in contact with lots of people from over the world and I recognized how important speaking more than one language is in our globalized world. I am a very talkative and open-minded person who would like to help you improve your personal language skills. I have experience in teaching German and English as second languages in South Africa, Tanzania and Vietnam. If you need help in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary or just getting fluent in German, I would love to practice with you. We can arrange "proper" lessons or just talk about topics you choose in order to achieve your personal goals! Learning a new language should be fun, so I hope we can enjoy a good time together :) I want to welcome and invite you to contact me and take a lesson. I Hope to hear from you soon! P.s.: I only teach ad...
قراءة المزيد
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مزيد من المدرسين
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Falk F.Flag
electronicsTech Savvy
flex_bicepsMotivation Guru
for_experiencedممتاز للمتقدمين
٤٥ US$
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 674)
متحدث أصلي
+2 أخرى
الدروس: 1 361طلاب: 54
Hi, I am Falk and I have more than 10 years of experience teaching German in the levels from A1 up to C2. Teaching my mother tongue is my passion and due to my experience in more than 10,000 lessons around the globe as well for specific purpose, such as for preparation for a job interview or an examination or just German in general with private and business students, I am THE teacher you’re searching to learn the German language with fun and enthusiasm. As a loving father and teacher of several kids I’m as well an experienced and enthusiastic teacher for kids in the field of German as foreign language ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ich heiße Falk und ich arbeite seit 2012 als Dozent für Deutsch als Fremdsprache in den Stufen A1 bis C2. Neben der (Arbeitsmarkt-)Integration von Migranten in Deutschland ist mein Hauptarbeitsfeld die Vermittlung von Kenntnissen...
قراءة المزيد
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