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Michela B.Flag
versionsExcellent Materials
for_beginnerممتاز للمبتدئين
chatGreat Conversation
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 112)
متحدث أصلي
+1 أخرى
الدروس: 323طلاب: 26
Hi, I'm Michela, an Italian Language teacher with DITALS certification. I'm a native speaker living near Florence. Since 2009, I've been giving Italian Language and Culture courses to adults, including managers and university students. I offer courses for any level or interest whether tourism, work, study or simply a passion for the language. All courses will be tailored to your specific needs. Packages can emphasize conversation, vocabulary, or written Italian for academic or professional use. For those tourists, students or professionals focusing on the Food and Wine sector, I am especially qualified to teach specific courses. In 2008, after a degree in Modern Literature, I earned a PhD in Cultural Anthropology followed by research and teaching in Italian universities on the role of food in culture. Please contact me or book a trial lesson. I'm looking forward to meeting you. A presto, Michela
قراءة المزيد
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electronicsTech Savvy
for_experiencedممتاز للمتقدمين
versionsExcellent Materials
٣٤ US$
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 563)
متحدث أصلي
+3 أخرى
الدروس: 1,096طلاب: 58
Ciao a tutti, sono Michele e insegno lingua e cultura italiana dal 2011. Sono appassionato di questo lavoro perché mi permette di diffondere la lingua di Dante, di Leonardo da Vinci, di Enzo Ferrari, ma anche di mia nonna, di mio padre a persone che vengono da tutto il mondo e sono innamorate dell'Italia. Questa passione mi ha spinto a fare una formazione specifica per l'insegnamento dell'italiano: ho preso la certificazione CEDILS (Certificazione di Didattica dell'Italiano come Lingua Straniera), poi un master di secondo livello sempre sulla didattica dell'italiano a Venezia e infine il dottorato di ricerca all'Università di Macerata in Didattica delle Lingue straniere. Ho lavorato in tanti contesti, sia in presenza che online, se siete curiosi guardate il mio curriculum. SE DECIDETE DI PRENOTARE UNA LEZIONE DI PROVA Prima di tutto dovrò capire il vostro livello di partenza (non accetto principianti assoluti) poi inzieremo a lavorare in questo modo: - presentazione della tematica d...
قراءة المزيد
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Victoria C.Flag
electronicsTech Savvy
handshakeCultural Insights
for_beginnerممتاز للمبتدئين
٢٨ US$
في الساعة
السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 980)
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متحدث أصلي
+4 أخرى
الدروس: 2,352طلاب: 234
**II’ll resume lessons and open my calendar starting September 12th!** Ciao! 👋 I'm Victoria, a native Italian with a passion for languages. 🇮🇹 Growing up in both Italy and Argentina, I understand the magic of becoming fluent in another tongue. For over eight years, I've helped students of all ages and backgrounds fall in love with Italian. 🎓 My interactive method keeps you engaged and motivated, using authentic Italian media and personalized learning plans. 📚 What you'll gain: 💪 Confidence: Learn Italian in a fun and supportive environment, boosting your confidence to speak with ease. 🍝🎶Authentic Communication: Master practical Italian for everyday situations, travel, or even discussing your favorite Italian food and music! 🏆Results: My proven method, aligned with the CEFR scale, ensures steady progress towards your Italian goals. My virtual lessons cater to your busy schedule and learning style. We can focus on conversation practice, reading comprehension, grammar, or a comb...
قراءة المزيد
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مزيد من المدرسين
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Federica T.Flag
ممتاز للمتوسطين
versionsExcellent Materials
handshakeCultural Insights
٢٢ US$
في الساعة
السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 908)
متحدث أصلي
+1 أخرى
الدروس: 1,727طلاب: 172
INTERACTIVE SUPPORT MATERIAL Hi, I'm Federica from Rome. I have a degree in Italian Language and Literature and a master in Communication Theories. I'm DITALS certified (Teaching of Italian as a Foreign Language). I'm a mother tongue teacher of Italian and using the communicative method, that aims at developing and privileging the communicative skills of the student. In this new perspective, knowing a language means being able to carry out communicative actions to accomplish a goal. It’s a method that makes learning easier and faster. I also use the completely free and interactive support material I tailored for our online lessons and a test to evaluate your level of Italian competence. This material, divided into units, will help you during the lesson and we will use it for the exercises. In each unit, the student learns to carry out one or more communication actions and exercises with conversation (which i leave plenty of room for), grammar, listening, pronunciation and w...
قراءة المزيد
Youtube video