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تم العثور على معلمي اللغة الفارسية: 0

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Niloufar A.Flag
for_experiencedممتاز للمتقدمين
versionsExcellent Materials
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 268)
اللغة الفارسية 
متحدث أصلي
+2 أخرى
الدروس: 701طلاب: 47
Hi guys :D My name is Niloufar and I am a Persian native speaker. I am a multilingual Ph.D. student in Speech and Language Science. My knowledge of language acquisition, linguistics, and bilingualism has helped me to have a better understanding of second language acquisition, language structures and the struggles one might face learning a new language. I’ve been teaching different languages for the past nine years. As a TTC (Teacher Training Course) and ATP (Advanced Teacher Program) certified teacher from Western University, I have learnt a lot about teaching online classes while making them as practical and as fun as face-to-face classes by applying new methods. I have been the supervisor of the Spanish section of Language Center of University of Tehran which is considered as the best university of Iran. At the moment, I am a teacher assistant at University and teach a blended (Combination of online and classroom learning) language course to undergraduate students in Canada. I hav...
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Yashar K.Flag
for_experiencedممتاز للمتقدمين
ممتاز للمتوسطين
chatGreat Conversation
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 987)
متحدث أصلي
اللغة الفارسية 
متحدث أصلي
+8 أخرى
الدروس: 1 784طلاب: 125
Hi there! My name's Yashar and I'm a Farsi teacher! I've been teaching different languages for the past 10 years. Currently I'm doing my Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at University of Barcelona even though I live in Madrid!
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Akram☀️ J.Flag
for_experiencedممتاز للمتقدمين
electronicsTech Savvy
handshakeCultural Insights
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 67)
اللغة الفارسية 
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اللغة التركية 
+5 أخرى
الدروس: 174طلاب: 25
Love language , poetic enriched with culture. Hi everyone. I am from Iran. I studied master 'a degree and have been teaching Persian for long time. I know how challenging can be learning a new language but don't worry I am with you if you have motivation for Persian/ Farsi. I am patient and I provided materials. I use different books and materials according your need and levels....
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مزيد من المدرسين
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electronicsTech Savvy
Goes the Extra Mile
versionsExcellent Materials
٢٣ US$
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 212)
اللغة الفارسية 
متحدث أصلي
اللغة الأذربيجانية 
+3 أخرى
الدروس: 1 192طلاب: 75
Salaam! Welcome here. Are you looking for a suitable teacher for the Farsi course? There is an easy way. Just check the number of lessons students have taken with them so far. Effortless, right? I just present you one example of how the students benefit from my lessons. A learner who started from scratch five months ago can now communicate in Farsi around 70 percent of the class time in different routine topics. Isn't it wonderful? You can even do better :) As I've been teaching Farsi since 2015, I have hands-on experience in tutoring this language. My strong initiative and exceptional organizational skills allow me to play a crucial role in a fast-paced teaching environment. Besides, with the ability to simplify lesson plans and homework assignments in line with specific curriculum objectives, I believe I will immediately make a noticeable impact on your Farsi education standards and you will find my classes warm, productive and fun. :) Many learners do not know how to learn F...
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