<繁體字 vs 簡體字 優缺點> Traditional and Simplified Character Advantages and Disadvantages

<繁體字 vs 簡體字 優缺點>
Traditional and Simplified Character Advantages and Disadvantages

  • 繁體字的優 Traditional Advantages
  1. 理解傳統文化的鏈子;Can understand traditional original Chinese culture beauty
  2. 讓中國文化得以傳承發展 ;令民國以前的文章,不致成為古董絕學;Chinese culture can be inherited and developed well enough to reserve the past articles otherwise old dynasties beauty will become extinct.
  3. 可以免除同音假借、一字多意所引起的混淆問題,例如: 後來的“後”跟皇后的“后”分得很清楚。後來的“後” and皇后的“后” are completely different meaning.”Borrow the same sound word後/后 but different meaning word 后, used in same scene 後. It is not logical so you can get confused for its meaning.

  • 繁體字的缺點 Traditional Disadvantages
  1. 太繁瑣,難寫,不方便,不快捷,如“齊”、“歸”、“寶”; Too complex to write, not convenient, not fast to write, eg. 齊”、“歸”、“寶”
  2. 難學;It is difficult to learn.
  3. 筆畫太多,容易寫錯字,如“鬱”“鹽”;. 只有港、澳、台使用,難與其它地區溝通。Too many strokes , eg. 鬱”“鹽” and easily make mistakes in writing, only used in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan.

  • 簡體字的優點 Simplified Character Advantages
  1. 筆畫少, 結構簡單, 書寫簡便;Stroke are less and simple. The structure is easy to write.
  2. 易學;Easy to learn.
  3. 有利推廣,促進漢字學習; For foreigners easy to accept to learn Chinese.
  4. 減少文盲,增加識字率;To decrease Illiteracy and increase literacy rate.
  5. 國際間使用簡體字的機會比繁體字多/國際化. Internationally, people learn simplified more than traditional character.
  6. 最多人使用及流通最廣的中國文字。Most people use this popular simplified Chinese character.

  • 簡體字的缺點Simplified Character Disadvantages
  1. 太粗糙,有違漢字造字原則、藝術性和科學性,如工厂的“厂”;It is too rough and violates the principle of making Chinese words artistically and scientifically.
  2. 筆畫太相近,容易混淆。如“厂”和“广”,“庄”和“压”;The strokes are too similar and easy to get confused, eg. “厂 and “广” ,“庄”and“压”
  3. 不利文化傳承;It is not beneficial to inherit Chinese culture.
  4. 同音假借、一字多意,容易造成混淆,如“发”究竟是發展的發,還是頭髮的髮,就看不出來了。Borrow the same sound word but this word has many meanings so will get confused, eg. “发”is used in 發(发) and 髮(发),發展的 發(发) or 頭髮的 髮(发) are completely meaning.
  5. 有些字失去了原來的意思,如“愛”(爱)字沒有了心,“親”(亲)人不相見. Some words lose their original words completely. Eg. 愛”(爱) the simplified later word has no heart”心”,“親”(亲) the simplified later word has no ”人”

7 de julio de 2017
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Enya Lin

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Chino mandarín
Chino mandarín
It is my honor to get to know you. I am an “experienced professional ”Chinese teacher with two International Teaching Chinese Certificates (TCSOL, USA, Person UK). I am a Native Mandarin Chinese speaker with perfect accent from Taiwan, which Mandarin is our official language. I also have an International Teaching English Certificate: TESOL. I also have lived in China for over 2 years so I am familiar with mainland China too. *Teaching method: I prefer the student-centered teaching method. I can explain things to you in English, or create a Chinese immersion environment to teach you the language upon your level. You will learn from a native Mandarin speaker who can help you achieve perfect Mandarin accent. *What I teach: a) Pinyin or Bopomofo system, b) Oral and Written languages, c) 4 skills –listening, speaking, reading and writing. d) Simplified or Traditional Character *Student Comment: There is a Chinese proverb- 嚴師出高徒/严师出高徒 (Pinyin: Yánshī chū gāotú). An detail-oriented ...
Chino mandarín
Chino mandarín
It is my honor to get to know you. I am an “experienced professional ”Chinese teacher with two International Teaching Chinese Certificates (TCSOL, USA, Person UK). I am a Native Mandarin Chinese speaker with perfect accent from Taiwan, which Mandarin is our official language. I also have an International Teaching English Certificate: TESOL. I also have lived in China for over 2 years so I am familiar with mainland China too. *Teaching method: I prefer the student-centered teaching method. I can explain things to you in English, or create a Chinese immersion environment to teach you the language upon your level. You will learn from a native Mandarin speaker who can help you achieve perfect Mandarin accent. *What I teach: a) Pinyin or Bopomofo system, b) Oral and Written languages, c) 4 skills –listening, speaking, reading and writing. d) Simplified or Traditional Character *Student Comment: There is a Chinese proverb- 嚴師出高徒/严师出高徒 (Pinyin: Yánshī chū gāotú). An detail-oriented ...
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