5 Resume Tips when Looking for a Job Abroad

We live in a time and day where people from all around the world have the chance to travel and work wherever they wish. There are plenty of chances for work for everyone and in many cases people can find a better job at a different country.

No matter the reason you decide to apply for a job abroad, you will most likely need to learn how to adjust your resume in order for it to be appealing to your future employers. On top of that, you will have to translate it accordingly. Here are some of the best tips to help you out.

1. Adjust your resume to the job you’re applying for

If you’re thinking about applying for one particular job abroad, it might be a good idea for you to adjust your resume to the needs and expectations of that said position. No matter where in the world your dream job will be, each position will have different criteria and qualifications needed for you to be accepted.

In general it is a good idea to adjust your resume to every position you apply for. In the case of finding a job abroad, this will help you increase your chances of getting accepted. You should include all past working experience you have in the field as well as qualifications you have which will help you stand out.

While there might be certain requirements regarding the length and information included in your resume, you should try to include any traits and experience you believe will help you stand out in the eyes of a recruiter. No matter where in the world you are sending your resume, a recruiter will always be happy to see that you mentioned everything you accomplished, relevant to the position you are applying for.

2. Including a picture

Depending on which country you are intending to apply for a job in, you should keep in mind that there are certain things which are done differently. One of them is your picture in the resume. While there is no set rule, in general in the USA and the UK it is not usual to include a professional picture when submitting your resume.

On the other hand, in Europe as well as in Asia it is a lot more common for applicants to include one. In any case, it is important to always check the requirements the company has regarding your resume. It is best to even ask the HR department whether that would be important and make sure you meet all the requirements before you send in your CV.

3. Know about the right length

When it comes to the length of your resume, some countries will require more than others. For example, while in the US your resume is expected to take up no more than one page, the rest of the world will most likely accept a 2-4 page one.

This happens mainly because each country has different expectations and requirements from their employees and their CVs. European and Asian companies will want to know more about your personality, practical skills, past experience and educational background when compared to American ones.

In most cases though, it would be best if you kept your resume at around 2 pages. No matter where in the world you are trying to land a job, the recruiters will still be looking for keywords and special traits and past working experiences. The less crowded your resume is the easier these will be to spot.

4. Translate your resume

If you already have your resume ready in your native language and you are trying to find a way to start creating your new one, a good idea is to start by translating it first. The new resume you are creating for your job application abroad will have to be close to your regular one anyways, and this can save you a lot of time when it comes to adding new details later on.

The best thing you can do here is to find a professional service or translator online and work with them in order to translate your resume accordingly. Even if you speak the other language well, it is advisable to go through this process in order to make sure that you don’t end up making any simple mistakes in translation as these will make your resume and by extent you seem less professional.

5. Including your personal information

If you come from the USA, you probably know by now that resumes are usually on the smaller side and that means that personal information is often not asked for. For Americans this just seems to be an excess amount of details that is really not needed or useful on a resume.

If you’re applying for a job overseas though, you might want to keep in mind that most countries will require some basic information about you. It is usually advisable to include your nationality, date of birth, gender as well as your native language.

Requirements might change from country to country so it would be best if you keep an eye out for instructions or particular requirements from the website or the HR department of the company you’re interested in. You can also always ask for help from a trusted online platform such as Resumescentre.com, in order to get answers for all your resume related questions.

Making the right resume for each occasion

Writing your resume for a job application overseas can be both demanding and nerve-wracking. The key to a successful resume is including all the information you believe will make you seem attractive and fit for a certain position and following some general rules which can apply to many countries and job listings.

The tips mentioned above will help you get a better understanding of some basic things you need to know when writing your CV for a different country. They will truly help you come one step closer to landing the job you’ve been dreaming of.

Which of these tips do you believe are the most helpful?
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