An Italian listening comprehension exercise for beginners

I always like to give my students practical activities. The more they practice, the better it is.
Since listening is one of the things they struggle the most with, I've started to come up with more and more listening exercises. Simple ones, of course.

I believe that it's never too early start listening to Italian. Everything can be done, if taken step by step, at the best pace for you.

So, here you will find a listening comprehension exercise to help you train your ear, even if you're starting out with your Italian.

A piece of advice before you listen:

  • focus on the general meaning first, then on the single words,
  • always remember that you can play the track as many times as you need and want,
  • replay the audio track after reading the questions and before answering them.

Now, if you're ready, you can press play and then move on to answering the questions about this audio track. 🙂

Now, have a look at the transcript

Mi chiamo Cristina, ho 22 anni e sono di Roma. Abito a Milano, dove studio medicina all'università. Nel tempo libero mi piace fare passeggiate per la città, fare foto, andare in palestra e leggere. Il sabato sera esco con i miei amici e andiamo sempre a mangiare una pizza in centro. La domenica, di solito, sono stanca e dormo sempre.

And now, it's time to answer the questions

  1. Quanti anni ha Cristina?
  2. Di dov'è Cristina?
  3. Dove abita?
  4. Cosa studia?
  5. Cosa fa Crtistina nel tempo libero?
  6. Cosa fa Cristina il sabato sera?
  7. Cosa fa Cristina la domenica?

How did your listening go? Play the track as many times as you want, and never get tired of practicing. 🙂

Keep up the good work. 💪

1 de Fevereiro de 2019
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Gloria Spagnoli

US$ 35
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