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Avaliações: 2450
$ 17
por hora
Aulas 6.219Alunos 430
+1 outra(s)
Hello Verbling students! My name is Francisco Berião. I'm a photographer and translator from Brazil. I'm a native Portuguese speaker. I have 6 years of experience teaching English, and Portuguese. I worked at CCAA (Cultural Center for Language Studies, an international language school franchise) teaching beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. I taught foreigners and friends Portuguese on online classes when I lived abroad. If you need to improve your communication skills and improve your pronunciation, I'm here to help you! Since I believe Verbling is a great platform to learn a new language and share a little bit of our culture, we can talk about so many things! I can share my experience traveling, just like you can share yours. What can you tell me about your country? I can also help you to get prepared for a interview, speech and answer grammar questions. Just let me know. Thanks for reading my profile. I hope to help you learn and improve your Portuguese or English soon!
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Marcella L.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 235
$ 16,99
por hora
Aulas 529Alunos 83
+3 outra(s)
What's up guys!!! My name is Marcella, I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, in our dear and famous: Cidade Maravilhosa. ((Wonderful City) So, I speak what many call Brazilian Portuguese, with a special touch: the Carioca accent. The Carioca accent was voted as the most beautiful accent so I look forward to teaching it to you. I'm a genuinely curious person and that's part of what brought me here. Teaching is not just sharing a large part of your knowledge, but also learning a lot from others. I'm here to help you speak my first language in the fastest, most comfortable and natural way. Each person has their own pace and I will ensure that we are on the same page following the same steps. I currently live in Spain but I don't stay home for long stretches. I'm always exploring new countries and in that, bringing different looks and perspectives to our class. And in addition to collecting experiences and teaching Portuguese for more than 5 years, I am also a language practiti...
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Fernanda R.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 2237
$ 27
por hora
Aulas 3.793Alunos 209
+3 outra(s)
Olá! Dou aulas particulares de português há mais de 10 anos e simplesmente AMO o que faço, por isso sou bastante dedicada e atenciosa com cada um de meus estudantes. Confira os comentários ;) Tenho muita paciência e faço acompanhamento individualizado e personalizado da evolução de cada aluno meu. Acredito que o papel de um professor particular é extrair o melhor seu aluno, dando-lhe as ferramentas que ele necessita para atingir seus objetivos. É nesse sentido que te convido a fazer uma aula experimental comigo! Venha me conhecer e conferir minha metodologia. Tenho algo próprio, dinâmico e customizável às suas necessidades Conversação, Pronunciação, Escrita, Vocabulário para Viagem, Portuguese for Business (do Básico ao Avançado). Não importa seu nível de conhecimento ou necessidades, conte comigo para te ajudar nesse desafio! Tenho certeza de que juntos chegaremos lá =D Também tenho MBA em Management e sou especialista em mercado financeiro, ou seja, domino esta linguagem ...
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Guilherme S.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 682
$ 28
por hora
Aulas 1.847Alunos 240
+2 outra(s)
Hi, Verblingers. I'm Guilherme, a native European Portuguese tutor from Lisbon with 5 years experience teaching, and I'm here to help you learn Portuguese in the funnest way possible. I've been around English since very early on, so I am at a native-level in it, so we won't have any trouble understanding each other. In fact I'm used to teaching people of all levels, including children using games and music, but in general trying to think outside the box because I always remember that, whenever I was forced to learn something, in school, it was all just memorization, it never stuck. When I had fun however, for example talking with foreign people, watching American cartoons or playing videogames, I learned without effort, without even realizing it. So that's my approach to teaching, and I've seen the results in my students who always were stuck worrying about saying everything just the right way or otherwise being paralyzed with shame. Now they see they have nothing to worry about, ...
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