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Mourad H.Flag
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for_beginnerОтлично для начинающих
26,99 $
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5.0 (Отзывы: 751)
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+ ещё 3
Уроки: 1 569Ученики: 198
Bonjour Tout le monde : Hello everyone, I'm a native French speaker, and I'm more than glad to help you to learn my language. We'll make sure that you'll be comfortable with the different language skills, from writing to speaking, etc… We'll do a lot of practice, so that you'll be able to express yourself in French, and impress your family and friends ! What are you waiting for ? French is waiting for you ! Do not worry, we'll be taking everything slowly at the beginning, we'll make it a fun environment, we can't learn without fun, right ? Welcome ! Question : What are the different activities you use during class ? Answer : There are plenty of activities I’m sure you’ll be enjoying : 1- Playing games 2- Role playing 3- Listening to songs, etc… Question : What can I offer you to help you after class ? Answer : Beside the homework I give at the end of each lesson, I actually can help the student review what we did in class by : 1- Audio recording : Which is perfect for those who...
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Nathalie B.Flag
for_experiencedОтлично для продвинутых
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48 $
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5.0 (Отзывы: 392)
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+ ещё 2
Уроки: 926Ученики: 62
Hi, during my several activities in architecture, buildings, oenology, I've always tutored students in mathematics, or french for primary , secondary school and college studies. Now, after a last diploma in French, I'm happy to share the French culture and to teach french bases to help you to succeed in your studies. It's a wonderfull language and with my multi technical knowledges I can help you to improve your french : 1- for tourism, to be able to manage your travel by yourself, 2 -for a new life in a francophone country, to find a place to live, to find a new job, etc... 3- in your professional life (Specifical objectiv french) by preparing courses about your work tasks , using role play, simulation of concrete situations in your job, verbal or written exercises. We can watch a video and ask and answer about it and then play the same event, we can play quick verbal games to practice reactivity. It's a matter of french level in fact, each course can be different and will be p...
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Fineaze M.Flag
for_beginnerОтлично для начинающих
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chatВеликолепное общение
20 $
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4.9 (Отзывы: 442)
Время проведения уроков
+ ещё 3
Уроки: 1 249Ученики: 153
My Name is Fineaze (aka Fin). I have five years of experience as a teacher. I have been teaching adults and children (particularly those with dyslexia and learning difficulties) in French, English, marketing, and business for the past few years. I lived in several countries, including France, Australia, New Zealand, England, and Colombia. With my backpack, I travelled the world. I like getting to know new people from various cultures. Writing is one of my favorite hobbies. For the past eight years, I've been writing novels. In France, one of my novels was published. The book's title is "Lets Be Crazy" - Baudelaire Edition.
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Béatrice M.Flag
flex_bicepsГуру мотивации
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for_beginnerОтлично для начинающих
35 $
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5.0 (Отзывы: 230)
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Уроки: 476Ученики: 59
Bonjour ! Soy Béatrice, profesora nativa especializada en la enseñanza del francés. ¿Te interesan las clases de conversación, la gramática o te estás preparando para un examen? ¡Puedo ayudar! *Soy titulada universitaria y ofrezco mis servicios como profesora de francés. Poseo la titulación de docente de lengua francesa, el curso de formador de formadores, la certificación de “Enseigner le français langue étrangère aujourd’hui”- Parcours avancé (CAVILAM-Alliance Française) y tengo más de 14 años de experiencia como profesora de este idioma. He impartido clases en el Centro Especializado de Atención de Mayores de la Consellería de Bienestar Social (CEAM), en una empresa de ámbito nacional del sector Servicios, una entidad bancaria y varias academias; mi experiencia se extiende a todo tipo de alumnado (academias docentes, particulares, Ayuntamiento de Alicante, hoteles, etc.) La metodología y las técnicas usadas parten de las necesidades y conocimientos del alumno, que será el centro...
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