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49 $
41,65 $
Henning Gustavsen

+ ещё 4
Уроки: 614Ученики: 49
Hello I´m Henning Gustavsen, I offer affordable Norwegian lessons at all levels!
If you are new to the Norwegian language or a beginner I will be using the literature “Ny i Norge” which is the most widely used program for foreigners learning Norwegian. I will also teach according to your individual needs and progress as I´m educated a special needs teacher as well as a language teacher.
I will provide all the material you need at no extra cost except test money you will have to pay in order to take formal language tests like the “Bergens testen” here in Norway.
First of all it is important to me to know your goals before we start. There are many reasons why someone would like to learn Norwegian, maybe you have relatives living in Norway today, or perhaps your ancestors emigrated from Norway a long time ago? It may also be that you are planning a vacation to Norway so see the wonderful nature and experience the culture of the Vikings! Quite a few people would like to learn Norw...
(Оценки: 363)