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Animesh Rai

2:49 AM (GMT+05:30)


Ana Dil


My name is Animesh Rai.
My classes are more student-centred than teacher-centred where I believe that the tutor's role is to serve more as a coach than as a pedagogue. I try as much as possible to extract and elicit responses from the student rather than readily give them all away. My student is thus more of an active learner than a passive recipient of knowledge. So if you want to be in control, please take my class.

I am originally Indian and my native language is Hindi. I was born in Morocco and lived and studied in Laos, France, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United States and India. I lived in Paris between the ages of eight and twelve and hence acquired my fluency in French there. I obtained a doctorate in French Literature from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York under the guidance of the Martinican writer and leading theorist of creolization, Édouard Glissant. I have taught French language and literature in colleges and universities in the United States as well as at the Alliance Française of Pondicherry in India.

My teaching style involves complete immersion where French is used 100 %. In my view, this is not only the most effective way to learn the language but also the most enjoyable way.

Je m'appelle Animesh Rai.
Mes cours sont plus centrés sur l'élève que sur l'enseignant où je pense que le rôle du tuteur est de servir plus comme coach que comme pédagogue. J'essaie autant que possible d'extraire et d'obtenir des réponses de l'élève plutôt que de les donner facilement. Mon élève est donc davantage un apprenant actif qu'un récepteur passif de connaissances. Donc, si vous voulez garder le contrôle, veuillez suivre mon cours.

Je suis d'origine indienne et ma langue maternelle est l'hindi. Je suis né au Maroc et j'ai vécu et étudié au Laos, en France, au Bangladesh, en République démocratique du Congo, aux États-Unis et en Inde. J'ai vécu à Paris entre huit et douze ans et y ai donc acquis ma maîtrise du français. J'ai obtenu un doctorat en littérature française au Graduate Center de la City University de New York sous la direction de l'écrivain martiniquais et théoricien de la créolisation Édouard Glissant. J'ai enseigné la langue et la littérature françaises dans des collèges et universités aux États-Unis ainsi qu'à l'Alliance Française de Pondichéry en Inde.

Mon style d'enseignement implique une immersion complète où le français est utilisé à 100%. À mon avis, ce n'est pas seulement la manière la plus efficace d'apprendre la langue mais aussi la manière la plus agréable.
Devamını Oku

Deneme derslerim

My students have a choice between two options. If they decide to take a placement test whose link I send them before the trial lesson, we go over the placement test and address any pertinent issues which enable me to plan future lessons with the student. If they prefer to have a conversation, I conduct a dialogue with them based on a set of topics of their choice. In this way, they can have fun speaking the language while I assess their level of proficiency in it.
Devamını Oku

Öğretmen İstatistikleri

watchBirkaç saatte
timetable5 yıl önce
class_blackboard25.0 ders ortalaması


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2014 - 2014
Alliance Française de Chennai - Inde
Langue française
1999 - 2007
PhD French
The Graduate School and University Center, The City University of New York - New York, NY, USA
Focus on Creolization

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