套裝課程 15% 折扣優惠
15% 折扣優惠

Ahmed Al-Naggar

8:43 PM (GMT+02:00)阿拉伯語
My name is Ahmad Al-Naggar, A teacher of the Nobel Qur'an, Arabic language and Art
I had been working on these fields for almost 10 years.
I have two variations on the recitation of Hafs from Aasim and I am currently studying the conclusion of the variation of the ten recitations. I will soon conclude /finish them by God's will.
But concerning Arabic language; I have ability on teaching some books in the field, and they are as follows:
1- Teaching Arabic for non-native speakers ( (Elementary Books, Silsilatut-Takallum and Al-Arabiyyatu baina yadaik)
2- Grammar ( Taiseerun-Nahw, al-Nahwul wadhih, Sharhul-Azhariyyah, al-Muqaddimat Al-Ajruumiyyah, Mulkhas Al-qawa'id al-Lugah al-Arabiyyah, Shazaraatul-zahab, Sharh qatril Nada wa ballus-sad, Sharh ibn Aqeel ala alfiyat ibn Maalik )
3- principles of morphology ( Shaza- Al-arf fi fannil- Sarf, Al-tatbeequl Al-sarfi, Al-sarful Al-kaafy )
4- rhetoric ( Albalaaga Alwaadhihat, Alkaafy fil balaagah )
I believe that the use of intermediate language between the teacher and the student does not create a suitable learning environment, especially for the student. There are more than a thousand method to deliver information without intermediate language and this will benefit the student in the end. It is the Arabic lesson, not the English!
wish you good luck.
更多I had been working on these fields for almost 10 years.
I have two variations on the recitation of Hafs from Aasim and I am currently studying the conclusion of the variation of the ten recitations. I will soon conclude /finish them by God's will.
But concerning Arabic language; I have ability on teaching some books in the field, and they are as follows:
1- Teaching Arabic for non-native speakers ( (Elementary Books, Silsilatut-Takallum and Al-Arabiyyatu baina yadaik)
2- Grammar ( Taiseerun-Nahw, al-Nahwul wadhih, Sharhul-Azhariyyah, al-Muqaddimat Al-Ajruumiyyah, Mulkhas Al-qawa'id al-Lugah al-Arabiyyah, Shazaraatul-zahab, Sharh qatril Nada wa ballus-sad, Sharh ibn Aqeel ala alfiyat ibn Maalik )
3- principles of morphology ( Shaza- Al-arf fi fannil- Sarf, Al-tatbeequl Al-sarfi, Al-sarful Al-kaafy )
4- rhetoric ( Albalaaga Alwaadhihat, Alkaafy fil balaagah )
I believe that the use of intermediate language between the teacher and the student does not create a suitable learning environment, especially for the student. There are more than a thousand method to deliver information without intermediate language and this will benefit the student in the end. It is the Arabic lesson, not the English!
wish you good luck.
一次, 30 分鐘老師統計資料
Egyptian Arabic
Modern Standard Arabic (al-fusha)
2008 - 2010
2004 - 2008
Bachelor of Arts and Education /Banha University / Faculty of Education Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies
2012 - 2015
2013 - 2014
Teacher of Arabic - Al Fateh University / Faculty of Islamic Studies - Istanbul / Turkey
2013 - 2014
Teacher of Arabic - Scientific Academy for Scientific Research and Internet - Istanbul / Turkey
2015 - 0
Supervisor and teacher of Arabic language -Space Association - Shirkhoh Academy for the Care of foreigner StudentsSpace Association - Shirkhoh Academy for the Care of International Students / Cairo
2014 - 2015
2014 - 2015
A training course for teachers of Arabic language for Non - native speakers for Dr. Imad Fawzi
2013 - 2014
A training course for teachers of Arabic language for Non - native speakers for Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El Naqa
2009 - 2010
2009 - 2010
2008 - 2009