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3:55 AM (GMT-05:00)




Hi! My name is James and I have been teaching English as a second language since 2014. After visiting Mexico for the first time I found a passion for the language learning process and returned to become CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certified. I taught students of all ages in Mexico for a year and have tutored online since then.

Although I am used to teaching Spanish speakers, the methods I learned from the CELTA program allow me to teach students who know absolutely no English. I combine the CELTA method with what I have learned studying Spanish to help students become active learners that acquire the language naturally. My number one goal is to make sure students are not afraid to speak. Learning English should be a fun experience and I work with students to find goals that encourage them.

My specialty as a teacher is pronunciation. Students who want to sound like native speakers find my classes helpful and it is my favorite part of teaching English.

I make learning grammar and vocabulary simple. I avoid complicated explanations and teach my students how to use new grammar and vocabulary in practical situations. Even repetitive subjects like phrasal verbs can be interesting when the student believes he or she has a use for it.

All of my lessons are made to be relevant to the student and his or her learning style. I give traditional lessons for students who want that or need to prepare for a test, but I have no shortage of ideas for students who want to have more fun. Many of my students like to play games and we have been using Dungeons and Dragons to practice. My goal is to engage students and help them achieve their goals.

¡Hola! Mi nombre es James y he estado enseñando Inglés como segundo idioma desde 2014. Después de visitar México por primera vez, descubrí que el proceso de aprender idiomas me apsionaba. Regresé para obtener la certificación CELTA (certificacón de enseñar Inglés a hablantes de otros idiomas) y enseñé por un año. He sido tutor en linea desde entonces.

Aunque estoy acustombrado a enseñando hablantes hispanos, los métodos que aprendí por el programa CELTA me permiten enseñar estudiantes que no saben
absolutamente nada de Inglés. Combino el método CELTA con lo que he aprendido por estudiar Español para ayudar a estudiantes a aprender activa y naturalmente. Mi meta principal es que los estudiantes no tengan miedo de hablar. Aprender Inglés debe ser divertido y trabajo con estudiantes para encontrar metas que les motiven.

Mi especialidad como maestro es la pronunciación. Mis clases les parecen utiles a los estudiantes que quieren sonar como hablantes nativos.

Hago que aprender la gramática y el vocabulario sea simple. Evito explicaciones complicadas y enseño como usar todo en situaciones practicas. Temas repetitivos como phrasal verbs pueden ser interesantes cuando el estudiante cree que puede utilizarlos.

Todas mis lecciones están hechas para el estilo de aprender del estudiante. Imparto lecciones tradicionales para estudiantes que quieren ese estilo o necesitan preparar para un examen, pero no me faltan ideas para estudiantes que quieren divertirse. A mucho de mis estudiantes les gustan los juegos y estamos usando Calabozos y Dragones (Dungeons and Dragons) para practicar. Mi meta es llamar la atención de los studiantes y ayuderles lograr sus metas.


timetable7 年前
class_blackboard68.7 平均課程數




2009 - 2013
B.A. Organizational Communications
SUNY New Paltz - New Paltz, NY
Learned about obstructions to communicating ideas within and outside of organizations.


2014 - 2015
English Teacher
Cuauhnáhuac - Language Culture Institute - Cuernavaca, Mexico
I taught students of all ages and levels in hour long regularly scheduled classes and six hour long weekly classes. The topic I taught the most was pronunciation. I also hosted at least one workshop a week on various topics.
2015 - 0
Online Tutor
Lately I have been teaching high level students I have met through my previous experiences. We have focused on subjects like phrasal verbs and modal verbs. I have used various methods to engage these students including: presentations, video assignments and hosting games of Dungeons and Dragons.


2013 - 2013
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)
University of Cambridge - Cuernavaca, Mexico
In this course I learned how to let students be active learners and check for understanding in productive ways.