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Peter A.Flag
for_experiencedممتاز للمتقدمين
flex_bicepsMotivation Guru
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 365)
متحدث أصلي
+1 أخرى
الدروس: 1 044طلاب: 87
PD3 Expert! Native Dane with Danish teaching experience from a state language school I am university educated and have been teaching Danish to international students for more than 15 years. I have taught both children and adults with all kinds of educational background, and always put a lot of time and effort into finding out, what method of teaching excites the student. My system is structured, well tested and allows students to start speaking Danish right away. For every lesson there will be a personal lesson plan with the new material, words, tasks, etc. I have experience with the official Danish tests from my time at one of the schools that conducts these tests and can offer a specific preparation program for these. Book a free trial lesson right away and let's get started with Danish! 😊
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Amanda C.Flag
electronicsTech Savvy
for_beginnerممتاز للمبتدئين
flex_bicepsMotivation Guru
٩١ US$
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السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 224)
متحدث أصلي
+4 أخرى
الدروس: 581طلاب: 41
My name is Amanda Christiansen. I'm from Copenhagen/Helsingør and work as a Danish lecturer at the University of Vienna. I have 8 years’ experience teaching Danish as a foreign language. I hold a B.A. in Teaching Danish, a M.A. in Scandinavian Studies and a M.A. in Teaching Danish as a Second/Foreign Language for Adults. Furthermore, being quite the language learner myself I'm very aware of the challenges and manage to apply my practical learner experiences into my teaching to create a confident, mindfulll space for my students. My Lessons & Teaching Style: Confidence, motivation and a conscious learner approach I believe to be the main driving forces for effective language acquirement. I aim for you to enjoy and get a lot out of every class, and by frequently applying a positive feedback loop, I will make sure that the class, our approach and the work material always stay in tune with your current needs, learning style, goals and interests. Lessons, material and homework: ...
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