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Lucyna B.Flag
ممتاز للمتوسطين
chatGreat Conversation
٤٠ US$
في الساعة
السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 143)
متحدث أصلي
اللغة البرتغالية 
+2 أخرى
الدروس: 408طلاب: 12
Cześć! My name is Lucyna, I'm certified Polish language teacher. I graduated from Jagiellonian University in Cracow. I have got a master's degree in Teaching Polish as a Foreign and Second Language. Since 2015 I’ve been teaching Polish in leading language schools in Kraków, f.ex. Glossa and Varia, giving classes at the companies (Teacher In-company) and working as Polish Language Lecturer in the universities: Atma Jaya University of Indonesia and University of Lisbon. Currently I teach Polish to foreign students in Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and I run private online classes. I am open and cheerful person. In my free time I like to discover places, meeting people, knowing their lifestyles and ways of dealing with reality. And I LOVE my job:) I have got experience in teaching a wide variety of students – adults, teenagers, 60+ students, children, youngers willing to study in Poland, businessman. I run individual and group classes, short and long term, standard a...
قراءة المزيد
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versionsExcellent Materials
for_beginnerممتاز للمبتدئين
chatGreat Conversation
١٥ US$
في الساعة
السيرة الذاتية
4.6 (المراجعات: 66)
متحدث أصلي
اللغة الروسية 
+4 أخرى
الدروس: 146طلاب: 22
Меня зовут Андрей. Я дипломированный учитель польского языка для иностранцев, переводчик. Окончил факультет Полонистики УМКС в Люблине. Более пяти лет работаю учителем польского языка в онлайн-школе. Я готовлю к собеседованию на Карту Поляка, для поступления в вузы в Польше, знаю менталитет, культуру и историю Польши. Помогу всем, кто хочет освоить польский язык от A1 до C1. My name is Andrzej. I am a certified Polish language teacher for foreigners, translator. I graduated from the Faculty of Polish Studies at the UMCS in Lublin. I have been working as a Polish language teacher in an online school for over five years. I am preparing for an interview for the Polish card, for admission to universities in Poland. I know the mentality, culture and history of Poland. I will help everyone who wants to master polish from A1 to C1.
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Joanna P.Flag
for_beginnerممتاز للمبتدئين
versionsExcellent Materials
chatGreat Conversation
٣٨ US$
في الساعة
السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 741)
الدروس: 1.097طلاب: 41
Hi, my name is Joanna and I am a fully qualified Polish teacher. I have been teaching Polish for more than 8 years to people from all over the world. I have experience in teaching General, Business and Medical Polish. I have also conducted many language trainings for translators as well as courses preparing for the certificate exams. Recently, I have also been working as a teacher trainer. I published a book with teaching materials and made an application for learning Polish - Linguify Daily Polish. All my lessons are tailored to my students' needs and their preferences. I use a variety of techniques to help my students improve their Polish e.g. storytelling, visual thinking strategies, gamification of learning and many many more. What's the most important I can ensure lots of patience, relaxed atmosphere and only good vibes during my classes. So if you are looking for a teacher who can help you understand Polish grammar, expand your vocabulary or get more confidence in speaking, ...
قراءة المزيد
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مزيد من المدرسين
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electronicsTech Savvy
versionsExcellent Materials
flex_bicepsMotivation Guru
٣٨ US$
في الساعة
السيرة الذاتية
5.0 (المراجعات: 691)
متحدث أصلي
+7 أخرى
الدروس: 1.401طلاب: 182
Hello. My name is Dominika. I am an Aerospace Engineer and a Master of Economics with specialisation in International Business Management (I studied all subjects in English), language enthusiast and teacher of Polish, English and Spanish. I have been teaching for over six years mostly online and have already conducted more than 5000 online classes. I am a teacher who is focused on students' needs. As a student of many different languages (Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German at the moment) I know what approaches and methods are efficient and I try to use them during my lessons. I guarantee: 😁Interesting materials 😁Extensive knowledge 😁Full engagement 😁Friendly atmosphere 😁Interesting cultural facts 😁Individual approach I always wait 10 min for the students who are late. In case you know you are going to be late more than 10 min, let me know before the lesson starts. Otherwise, I will treat the lesson as if it was completed.
قراءة المزيد
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