Daniela Ciuchea

2:18 AM (GMT+02:00)اللغة الرومانية
اللغة الرومانية
اللغة الرومانية
متحدث أصلي
Since I know myself I adore foreign languages. My favourite one is Italian. There is no language so melodious as Italian, it's really the best music composition. I like French a lot because I find it very elegant. I like also Jane Austen's language and Don Quixote's language. In fact, at the moment, I'm still improving my English and Spanish. And, of course, I like my mother tongue, Romanian. It is a mix of many foreign languages. This is the reason why is easy enough to be studied by foreigners. Since I was a child, foreign languages were my strength. Therefore, I studied foreign languages in High School, at University (Linguistics and Literature, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iași, Romania). I also studied in France (Clermont Auvergne). After my Master's Degree, I continued my education with other great teachers from Alliance Française de Vichy, British Council, Edilingua, Rolang, Foreign Language Centre - University of Pécs... and I’m still learning. I've worked as a Certified Legal Translator and Interpreter for some years. 9 years ago I started working as Foreign Languages Teacher and Examiner. I don't know why, maybe because I like foreign languages, I like foreign people a lot. They have a different and very interesting way of thinking. This is the reason why I’m here, on Verbling. Thank you for your time!
قراءة المزيددروس خصوصية
60 minutesTeacher Stats
جدول مواعيد
خبرات التدريس
فوق المبتدئ
فوق المتوسط
فوق المتقدم
السيرة الذاتية
2008 - 2010
Master of Business Administration
"Ovidius" University (Romania) & "Clermont Auvergne" University (France)
2004 - 2008
Bachelor's Degree in Philology, Teacher Training Module
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University (Romania)
Italian and French - linguistics and literature
خبرة العمل
2015 - 2020
Italian Examiner
Private Italian Company
2008 - 2020
2012 - 0
Freelance - Romanian and online in foreign countries
Teaching Italian, French and Romanian for foreigners
2017 - 2020
2017 - 2020
2012 - 2020
2019 - 2019
2017 - 2017
2013 - 2013
International ECL examination
European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages