7 Weird English Expressions - 7 Expressões Inglesas Estranhas - 7 Expresiones Inglesas Raras

English is a strange language. Let's take a look at seven of the strangest expressions in the English language...

1. It is raining cats and dogs. - Está chovendo gatos e cachorros. - Está lloviendo gatos y perros.
This means that it is raining very hard. Significa que tem muita chuva. Significa que esta lloviendo mucho.

2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. - Um pássaro na mão vale dois no arbusto. - Um pájaro en la mano vale dos en el arbusto.
Basically, having something guaranteed right now is just as valuable as possibly having two of the same thing in the near future. Basicamente ter alguma coisa garantida agora vale igual que ter a possibilidade de ter duas da mesma coisa no futuro. Basicamente tener alguna cosa garantizado ahora vale igual que tener la posibilidad de tener dos de la misma cosa en el futuro.

3. That grinds my gears. - Isso moe minhas engrenagens. - Eso me muele mis engranajes.
That something is frustrating or annoying. Isso me frustra muito. Eso me molesta mucho.

4. He kicked the bucket. Ele chutou o balde. Él pateó el cangilón.
He died. Ele morreu. Él murió.

5. She has her head in the clouds. - Ela tem a sua cabeça nas nuvens. - Ella tiene su cabeza en las nubes.
She is fantasizing or not paying any attention. Ela não está prestando atenção ou está sonhando. Ella está fantaseando o no está prestando atención.

6. Hold your horses! - Agarre seus cavalos! - Agarre sus cabellos.
Take it easy, relax! Tranquilo, acalme! Tranquilo, relajese!

7. He is a dead ringer for that famous actor. - Ele é um dead ringer (não tem tradução) para ese actor famoso. - Él es un dead ringer (no tiene traducción) para aquel actor famoso.
He looks just like the famous actor. Ele parece igual que o actor famoso. Él parece igual que el actor famoso.

Hopefully you'll better understand these common expressions for the next time that you hear them in your English practice.

July 9, 2018
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Jackson Kerchis

United States
- Hi, my name is Jackson. I spent a year traveling the world learning languages. I lived for four months in Costa Rica and three months in Portugal. I love to talk to and get to know new people. - Oi, o meu nome é Jackson. I passei um ano viajando o mundo aprendendo línguas. Morava quatro meses na Costa Rica e tres meses em Portugal. Gosto muito conhecer e falar com novas pessoas. - Hola, me llamo Jackson. Pasé un año viajando el mundo aprendiendo idiomas. Vivía cuatro meses en Costa Rica y tres meses en Portugal. Me encanta conocer y hablar con nuevas personas. General English Course - we will cover grammar and conversation with a focus on daily life. English for Economics, Finance, or Business Administration - we will cover specialized conversation and industry vocabulary with a focus on professional application. I taught myself two foreign languages and now I want to help others do the same. Since I am self-taught I have a very in depth understanding of the language learning ...
United States
- Hi, my name is Jackson. I spent a year traveling the world learning languages. I lived for four months in Costa Rica and three months in Portugal. I love to talk to and get to know new people. - Oi, o meu nome é Jackson. I passei um ano viajando o mundo aprendendo línguas. Morava quatro meses na Costa Rica e tres meses em Portugal. Gosto muito conhecer e falar com novas pessoas. - Hola, me llamo Jackson. Pasé un año viajando el mundo aprendiendo idiomas. Vivía cuatro meses en Costa Rica y tres meses en Portugal. Me encanta conocer y hablar con nuevas personas. General English Course - we will cover grammar and conversation with a focus on daily life. English for Economics, Finance, or Business Administration - we will cover specialized conversation and industry vocabulary with a focus on professional application. I taught myself two foreign languages and now I want to help others do the same. Since I am self-taught I have a very in depth understanding of the language learning ...
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