Parts of Speech

Grammar got you down?

Not sure what word serves which function?

Well, here is an article to hold onto then. A short summary of all the important parts of speech. This is a great summary to keep and refer back to when practicing grammar. Also remember the basic sentence structure is Subject - Verb - Object. I hope this helps lift those grammar spirits.

What is a noun? A noun is a word that names a person, an animal, a place, or a thing. There are more nouns in the English language than any other word.

A, an, the - ARTICLES
These are special words called articles. They are noun signals. they can often tip you off that there’s a noun is coming up in a sentence. There are definite and indefinite articles for specific and general items.

What is a pronoun? A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Almost anything a noun can do, a pronoun can do, too. Pronouns are handy little words because when you use them, you don’t have to keep repeating nouns all the time. For example: He, she, they, we, it.

What is a verb? A verb is a word that shows action or being. Whatever you’re doing can be expressed by a verb. Without a verb, a group of words cannot be a sentence. A sentence can be as short as one word, as long as that one word is a verb.

What is an adjective? An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun or a pronoun. An adjective describes or limits the use of a noun.
An adjective answers three questions.
1) What kind of? I saw a big dog.
2) How many? I’d like six ice cream cones, please.
3) Which one? I’ll take that pair of jeans.

What is an adverb? An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb. An adverb tells us:
1) How The pig danced terribly.
2) Where The pig danced here.
3) When The pig danced yesterday.

What is a preposition? A preposition is a word that shows the relationship of one word in a sentence to another word. A preposition tells four things:
1) Location- The pig is outside its cage.
2) Direction- The pig ran to its cage.
3) Time- I’ll wait until noon, and then I’ll leave.
4) Relationship- I went to the party with my friend.

What is a conjunction? A conjunction is a word that joins other words or parts of sentences together. It is a “bridge” word.
David and Jennifer are brother and sister.
It will rain or snow today.
I ran as fast as I could. However, I still missed the train.
I’ll call the Health Department if you don’t clean up your yard.

What is an interjection? Interjections are special words that show strong feelings or emotions like excitement, happiness, horror, sadness, disgust, pain, anger. Interjections usually come at the beginning of a sentence. You use them to add energy to your sentence. Don’t use them too much, or they’ll lose their power. Sometimes interjections are just shouting or sounds.

Yours in English,
Storm Meredith
7. Mai 2020
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Storm Sloane Meredith

South Africa
Hello! My name is Storm! Are you looking to improve your English? Business English, Conversational English or simply just to speak English with more confidence? I am a native English-speaker and have a Level 5 TEFL Diploma. I am from beautiful sunny South Africa. Fun Fact? We have 11 official languages so I know how difficult it is to learn a new language. This is why I would love to make your journey easier. I love spending my time in nature whether it be hiking or swimming in the deep blue sea. I have a zest for life and a love for literature. I am a creative writer and love using words to express my ideas and emotions. Yoga, painting and fire-dancing are some of my favourite hobbies. I have a wide range of interests from astronomy and biology to astrology and metaphysics. I am an energetic, creative and passionate young lady. I am currently completing my degree in Early Childhood development and loving every minute. I love learning about other cultures and sharing knowledge ...
South Africa
Hello! My name is Storm! Are you looking to improve your English? Business English, Conversational English or simply just to speak English with more confidence? I am a native English-speaker and have a Level 5 TEFL Diploma. I am from beautiful sunny South Africa. Fun Fact? We have 11 official languages so I know how difficult it is to learn a new language. This is why I would love to make your journey easier. I love spending my time in nature whether it be hiking or swimming in the deep blue sea. I have a zest for life and a love for literature. I am a creative writer and love using words to express my ideas and emotions. Yoga, painting and fire-dancing are some of my favourite hobbies. I have a wide range of interests from astronomy and biology to astrology and metaphysics. I am an energetic, creative and passionate young lady. I am currently completing my degree in Early Childhood development and loving every minute. I love learning about other cultures and sharing knowledge ...
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