There is no doubt that during these changing times, video calls are only going to become more popular. In fact, we should be using video calls over phone calls because you simply connect better, are able to read body language and your conversation is more productive and meaningful.
Here are some of my tips I would like to share on how to make sure that you look great, sound great and present great on a video call.
1. Your tools - Make sure you have the basic kit
· Webcam or even better an external webcam for the perfect angle
· Headphones – it makes the call much clearer
· Microphone
· Software – There are many apps to choose from - Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams to name a few. Zoom is what we use, just because it is user-friendly.
· Internet – make sure you have a fast connection AND always have a BACKUP device or data connection that you can switch to
· Ensure your laptop is plugged in / fully charged
2. Lighting
· Most people don’t look good because their lighting is not good
· Position a light in front of you so that it brightens your face
· Avoid sitting in front of a window as you will become a silhouette
· The golden rule is never to have a light/or any light behind you
3. Background
· Avoid clutter, mess, any personal spaces and a plain white/cream wall as your background
· A painting or bookshelf is a perfect background
4. Sit up
· One of the most important nonverbal cues is body language. Push back your laptop so that your hands and upper body are showing.
· Always wave hello!
· Use hand gestures while speaking (keep these professional)
· Keep hands visible hands while listening (to show you are not on a cell etc)
5. Don’t focus on your appearance
· Most people are so concerned about what they look like that they keep adjusting their hair, their smile, the level of their chin, the angle of their face and their facial expressions
· Most people are more self-conscious on a video than in real life!
· Most people spend most of the video call looking at their own face
· Best advice is to focus on the dot or the person speaking
6. Remember your purpose and focus on your content
· Have a notebook next to your laptop with all your notes for the meeting or keep your notepad on your screen
· Prepare your meeting/interview like you would normally do
· If you are asked a question, be able to answer it. Prepare and be a master of your content.
7. General etiquette
· Listen to understand
· Do not talk over someone – wait to talk
· Eliminate embarrassing moments e.g dogs barking, kids barging in
· Tell everyone you are doing a video call
· Lock the dogs up, lock the door
· Do a quality check before you log in – your appearance, light, mic and video check
· Have your invite link ready, test it
· Know who else will be attending the video call so that you wait for everyone before you start
· Greet everyone appropriately by name
· Make sure you have all the little things – paper, pen etc
· Just because you are in your own home, don’t smoke
· Have a glass of water if necessary
· Be prepared for small talk in times where someone may have a technical glitch and you need to bide time
· Have an agenda and send it out before the meeting. Post it / share screen in the chat for ease of reference and structure to the meeting.
· Make sure you like your listening face
· Look at the dot, not yourself
· Connect and interact
· Always start with a wave and a smile with a happy, cheerful tone. People can hear your mood
· Always make sure you know your position. i.e. Take the lead if you are the leader
· Hand gestures show warmth, engagement and personality. Make sure you keep it to meaningful hand gestures, not just waving your hands around. This can be distracting.
· Rather dress up than dress down
· Make sure your dress is appropriate for the specific audience – smart, smart/casual
· Avoid busy patterns and stripes, big dangly earrings. Remember, everything in moderation.
· Send a thank you letter after the interview. Gratitude goes a long way.
Finally, good luck and remember that an interview video call is not a dress rehearsal, there are no second chances.
May 13, 2020
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United Kingdom
I'm a Business HR Professional and Native English speaker, with 15 years previous recruitment, coaching, training and mentoring experience. As well as 5 years Online Tutoring experience, I am confident in my ability to help you improve your English skills. • Specialist in Career Coaching - interview preparation, resume/ CV building, cover letters and the job seeking process •Conversational English • Business presentations skills •General business conversation •Pronunciation and Accent reduction TEFL Qualification / National Diploma HR Management and Training. I am approachable, patient and kind. I believe one should learn and laugh! It is important to feel comfortable when learning and I offer positive encouragement to keep you focused and motivated. My goal is to see people grow and develop and help them to reach their full potential. Let me help you improve your English!
United Kingdom
I'm a Business HR Professional and Native English speaker, with 15 years previous recruitment, coaching, training and mentoring experience. As well as 5 years Online Tutoring experience, I am confident in my ability to help you improve your English skills. • Specialist in Career Coaching - interview preparation, resume/ CV building, cover letters and the job seeking process •Conversational English • Business presentations skills •General business conversation •Pronunciation and Accent reduction TEFL Qualification / National Diploma HR Management and Training. I am approachable, patient and kind. I believe one should learn and laugh! It is important to feel comfortable when learning and I offer positive encouragement to keep you focused and motivated. My goal is to see people grow and develop and help them to reach their full potential. Let me help you improve your English!
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