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Business English: The No. 1 job billionaires and multimillionaires held before they got filthy rich

6 years ago

The No. 1 job billionaires and multimillionaires held before they got filthy rich

Click on the link and read this great article on Marketwatch:


How much do you agree with this?
Have you ever done any work in sales?
How good are you at selling yourself or products?

Personally agree with this up to a point. I think being in a sales job is a good training for business knowledge and success later on, however I would argue that there are plenty of good sales people who don't have a quality product. The number one thing is to produce something useful and beneficial to society. There is a saying I love and this is: "the product sells itself", people will tell each other and spread the word if you have something of real value that you are selling. But I don't think I am the best salesman.