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Learning to Speak English Fluently

6 years ago
Why is it that many English learners, after studying the English language for many years, still find it difficult to speak fluent English? The answer, I believe, is not enough actual speaking practice! The old saying 'practice makes perfect' is certainly true when it comes to speaking English fluently. I have been an online English conversation coach for quite some time and the one thing that sticks out is the improvement from those students who come back time and time again to practice their English conversation. There are so many things to learn on an English course that there simply is not enough time to concentrate enough on speaking and, of course, for those students who live in a non English speaking country, it is difficult to get the practice one needs outside the course. Todays technology however, allows students to intereact with native English speaking tutors on video platforms, which is a great help. But students need to know that its not going to happen overnight. Students need to be dedicated and commit to frequent conversation lessons. Confidence builds up after time and a good conversation tutor should tell you that speaking is about fluency and not accuracy which will have been immpressed on you by that grammar teacher, probably initiating a feeling of nervousness to speak from the student. We all make gramatical errors when we speak English and the sooner students realise this, the sooner they will pick up English fluency when speaking.
I am available now on Verbling for your informal conversation lessons, why not come practice with me? No grammar lessons. Just listening and speaking excercises to help you on your path to English fluency.