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Pronunciation /θ/ & /ð/ Practice with this short paragraph

a year ago
Practice your pronunciation of the sounds θ/ & /ð/ by reading the following paragraph aloud. Check the tips for pronunciation here. https://www.verbling.com/discussion/pronunciation-8-d

"This thing right here, that thing over there, these delicate feathers in my hand, and those feathers resting on the shelf are reminders of my father's joy. My mother often sings about these thoughts, as if they were something she held dear. The thin feather sat upon the bath's edge, while those thicker feathers lay within the mouth. Singing about these specific things, my mother would often reflect on her father's favorite thing: the thought of singing while bathing, contemplating the thin line between something and nothing, and how that made her think of her father and his cherished memories."

FEATHER /ˈfeT͟Hər/
