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Quote of the day - Love what you are doing!

6 years ago
" Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do" -Pele (Edson Arantes do Nascimento)

I think this relates to language learning because if you aren't enjoying the process you are going to learn much more slowly. Keeping the pace of learning up and making daily habits is essential to efficient success in language learning. So yes, you must sacrifice, prioritise, study and persevere; but the only way all of this is going to be economical for you is if you are having fun and enjoying the process.

I never enjoyed language classes in school, and yet I learned foreign languages easily as an adult. Because of this I took an entirely different approach when teaching in schools, I wanted an environment where the mood was high and the students' resistance to learning was low. I made the material all about them. I made it so communication became a fun activity and that mistakes were appreciated more than keeping silent.

Do you enjoy learning?