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Marion Anthi

12:18 AM (GMT+03:00)



About Me

Welcome to My Classes!

Hi everyone,

I'm Marion. I grew up in Athens, Greece, lived in Berlin for two years, and now reside in Sydney. I studied Theology and Greek Philology at the University of Athens and also hold a degree in Acting. Greek language and literature are my passions, and I have a deep love for theater as well. I would be delighted to help you speak my native language and explore Greek culture.

I strive to make my classes interactive and engaging, using various learning techniques and materials to achieve this. My priority is to find a teaching style that suits you best to help you reach your goals.

With 15 years of teaching experience, I am well-equipped to support your learning journey. As an actress, I can also help you enhance your expression and communication skills. It's very important to me that you feel comfortable during our lessons so you can effectively apply your knowledge in different contexts, whether at work, in your studies, or in everyday life.

I am fully committed to your success and would love to discuss your goals. Please don't hesitate to share your needs with me. I look forward to meeting you in your trial lesson!

See you soon!

Best regards,

Willkommen zu meinen Kursen!

Hallo zusammen,

Ich bin Marion. Ich bin in Athen, Griechenland, aufgewachsen, habe zwei Jahre in Berlin gelebt und wohne jetzt in Sydney. Ich habe Theologie und Griechische Philologie an der Universität von Athen studiert und habe auch einen Abschluss in Schauspiel. Die griechische Sprache und Literatur sind meine Leidenschaften und ich liebe das Theater sehr. Ich würde mich freuen, euch dabei zu helfen, meine Muttersprache zu sprechen und die griechische Kultur zu entdecken.

Ich bemühe mich, meine Kurse interaktiv und ansprechend zu gestalten, indem ich verschiedene Lerntechniken und Materialien einsetze. Mein Ziel ist es, einen Lehrstil zu finden, der euch am besten hilft, eure Ziele zu erreichen.

Mit 15 Jahren Lehrerfahrung bin ich gut gerüstet, um eure Lernreise zu unterstützen. Als Schauspielerin kann ich euch auch dabei helfen, eure Ausdrucks- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu verbessern. Es ist mir sehr wichtig, dass ihr euch während unserer Stunden wohlfühlt, damit ihr euer Wissen in verschiedenen Kontexten effektiv anwenden könnt, sei es bei der Arbeit, im Studium oder im Alltag.

Ich bin voll und ganz eurem Erfolg verpflichtet und würde gerne eure Ziele besprechen. Zögert bitte nicht, mir eure Bedürfnisse mitzuteilen. Ich freue mich darauf, euch in eurem Probestunde kennenzulernen!

Bis bald!

Beste Grüße,
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My trial lessons

In my trial lesson, you'll have the opportunity to get a glimpse of my teaching style and methods. The lesson is designed to understand your individual goals and needs so that I can tailor the instruction to suit you best.

We'll start with a brief introduction to discuss your previous experiences with the Greek language and your learning objectives. Then, I'll guide you through some basic activities and exercises that showcase my interactive and hands-on teaching approach.
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Teacher Stats

watchWithin a few hours
timetable4 years ago
class_blackboard19.6 lesson average


Teaching Expertise

Upper Beginner
Upper Intermediate
Upper Advanced
Ancient Greek



2022 - 2024
Masters in Theology
Sydney College of Divinity - Sydney
My Master's in Theology focuses on the pedagogical and educational aspects of the Homilies, Sermons, and Catecheses of Gregory of Nyssa. This comprehensive study explores how Gregory of Nyssa's teachings can be applied to modern educational practices, emphasizing their instructional value and their role in spiritual formation. Through this program, I have delved into Gregory's theological insights and analyzed his methods of communication and instruction. The coursework has equipped me with a deep understanding of his techniques and how they can be adapted to contemporary educational settings. This specialized focus not only enhances my theological expertise but also enriches my ability to teach and inspire others using the profound wisdom of Gregory of Nyssa.
2024 - 0
PhD Theology
Sydney College of Divinity - Sydney
My PhD research focuses on Theology as Pedagogy, with a particular emphasis on analyzing the works of Clement and Origen of Alexandria. This study investigates how their theological writings can be understood and applied as educational tools, highlighting their innovative approaches to teaching and spiritual formation. By exploring the pedagogical methods and educational philosophies of Clement and Origen, my research aims to uncover the instructional strategies embedded in their theological texts. This analysis sheds light on their contributions to the development of Christian education and their relevance to contemporary pedagogical practices. This specialized focus in my PhD not only deepens my theological knowledge but also enhances my ability to integrate classical theological insights into modern educational frameworks, promoting a more profound and effective teaching methodology.

briefcaseWork Experience

2006 - 2019
Secondary School Teacher
Yannopoulos Schools, Maliaras School - Athens, Greece
High School Teacher
2004 - 2006
K.Y.P.E.K.O. - Athens, Greece
Literacy courses to students with educational difficulties


2012 - 2015
Diomedes Fotiades Drama School - Athens, Greece
Acting, Performing Arts, Drama
2011 - 2015
B.A. Greek Philology
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Athens, Greece
Greek language and Literature
1998 - 2003
B.A. Theology
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Athens Greece
Theological studies, Religion Stadies