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Maria Chiara D'Agostino

12:18 AM (GMT+01:00)Italian
About Me
Ciao! Sono Maria Chiara, un'insegnante di italiano come lingua straniera o seconda lingua, ho la certificazione CELIS per l'insegnamento della lingua italiana a studenti stranieri. Insegno sia in una scuola di lingue che online e ho esperienza con bambini, adolescenti e adulti, sia in lezioni individuali che di gruppo. A lezione uso un metodo comunicativo, ma affronto ogni aspetto della lingua italiana, sempre rispettando le richieste e le preferenze dello studente. Mi piace creare materiale per le lezioni: esercizi, articoli da leggere e commentare, prove di scrittura. Parlo inglese, russo, e un po' di francese e spagnolo, ma a lezione preferisco usare il più possibile l'italiano. Amo conoscere i miei studenti e il loro mondo. Su di me, posso dire che adoro la letteratura, la storia mondiale, e mi piace molto ballare!
Hello there! I'm Maria Chiara, from Italy; I am a certified teacher of Italian as a foreign language (CEDILS certification). I teach both in a school and online and I have experience with children, teenagers, and adults, both in individual classes and group classes. I use a communicative method to teach, but I face every aspect of the Italian language, according to my students' exigences and will. I like creating material for the lessons: grammar exercises, articles to read and discuss, writings. I speak English, Russian and a bit of French and Spanish, but I prefer using Italian the more I can, during a class. I love knowing my students and their world. What can I say about me? That I can't live without literature, and that I love history and dance!
Read MoreHello there! I'm Maria Chiara, from Italy; I am a certified teacher of Italian as a foreign language (CEDILS certification). I teach both in a school and online and I have experience with children, teenagers, and adults, both in individual classes and group classes. I use a communicative method to teach, but I face every aspect of the Italian language, according to my students' exigences and will. I like creating material for the lessons: grammar exercises, articles to read and discuss, writings. I speak English, Russian and a bit of French and Spanish, but I prefer using Italian the more I can, during a class. I love knowing my students and their world. What can I say about me? That I can't live without literature, and that I love history and dance!
Trial Lesson
One time, 30 minutesPrivate Lessons
60 minutesTeacher Stats
Teaching Expertise
Upper Beginner
Upper Intermediate
Upper Advanced
2014 - 2016
Master degree in Italian Linguistics and Philology
University "G. D'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara - Chieti, Italy
Focus on italian language and literature
2011 - 2014
Degree in Modern literatures
Università "G. D'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara - Chieti, Italy
Focus on Italian literature and european history and culture
Esaminatrice CELI
Università per stranieri di Perugia - Perugia, Italia
CELI Italian Language examiner
Certificazione CEDILS
Università Ca' Foscari - Venezia, Italia
Certificazione in didattica dell'Italiano a stranieri
2022 - 0
Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF B2)
Ministère de l'éducation Nationale - Pescara, Italy