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Jan K.security_checkedFlag
Ratings: 453
per hour
Lessons 1.037Students 61
+1 More
Willkommen! My name is Jan and I want you to become fluent in German! I hold a master's degree in German and I'm currently working on my PhD. I also hold a qualification for teaching German as Foreign Language. I have been teaching German for more than five years. In the past I offered German courses for refugees in Germany. Nowadays I mainly teach people from the academic field - for example, university teachers or university students. Speaking as often as you can is the key to become a fluent speaker of German. Therefore, I mainly focus on oral communication during our lessons and I can help you with your written German. I am also a grammar expert. Genitiv? Plural? No problem! I will help you with all levels: A0, A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. I provide entertaining lessons with interesting information about German culture. For beginners I am also available as a teacher. EXAM PREPARATION If you have to take an exam for telc or Goethe in A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2, I can also prepare ...
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Mira M.security_checkedFlag
Ratings: 72
per hour
United States
Lessons 249Students 29
+3 More
*PhD holder in German studies, 20+ years of teaching experience* -The reason I change my availability is that I accepted the director’s position of the Austrian Institute Bratislava (yes, it’s like Goethe Institute and yes, it also provides internationally recognized German exams, but it’s under the Austrian government). Although my availability will be limited, I am willing to support you, should you need an advice regarding learning German or regarding exams. Should you be able to book classes at my current rate on a regular basis, we shall find time slots that would fit us both.- Hello, I have a PhD from the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, and I have been teaching German and the subjects related to German language, culture and literature for more than 20 years. My jobs included preparation of exams which were in line with the CEFR. At the same time, I led intensive German courses (DaF) for students who started with German from scratch and needed to be prepared for thei...
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Patrick T.security_checkedFlag
Ratings: 807
per hour
Lessons 1.991Students 144
+6 More
Hallo zusammen! Mein Name ist Patrick, ich komme aus der deutschen Stadt Hannover und ich bin Deutschlehrer. Ich habe einen Bachelor in Deutsch und Pädagogik und unterrichte seit vielen, vielen Jahren Deutsch online, aber auch nicht-online. Neben dem Online-Unterricht arbeite ich als Lehrer am Goethe-Zentrum in Phnom Penh in Kambodscha. Ich leite dort Kurse und bin außerdem offizieller Prüfer für die Goethe-Sprachzertifikate. Wie ist der Unterricht mit mir? Was kannst du erwarten? Wenn du mit mir lernst, wirst du sprechen. Sprechen, sprechen, sprechen! Das ist der Fokus meines Unterrichts. Ich werde dir dabei helfen, flüssig Deutsch sprechen zu können. Durch viel mündliche Kommunikation lernt man eine Sprache viel effektiver und es macht auch noch Spaß und motiviert! Wir werden über Themen diskutieren, die dich interessieren. Themen, die für dich relevant sind. Du wirst auf natürliche Weise neue Wörter lernen und natürlich werde ich auch deine Fehler korrigieren und dir immer Fe...
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Max T.security_checkedFlag
Ratings: 337
per hour
Lessons 2.445Students 265
+8 More
➡️ The schedule for September 2024 in now OPEN. Just read the reviews! ✅ Over 16 years of professional experience (20,530 hrs offline and 4,000 hrs online) in DaF (German as a Second Language), FLE (Français Langue Étrangère), and ESL (English as a Second Language) ✅ All levels from ZERO to advanced ✅ Specialized in business (Over 18-year professional experience as a freelance translator for 16 companies) ✅ Interview preparation (JET Program, job interviews for German, Austrian and Swiss companies) ✅ Exam preparation (TestDaF, Goethe A1-C1, TELC A1-C1) ✅ Correction of various documents such as résumés, CV, SOP, and others ✅ Proofreading of academic papers (Over 18-year career as a professional translator) Me as a Teacher Apart from German, I speak English, French, Spanish fluently. I can also speak some Russian and Indonesian. I'm a native German speaker from Saarbrücken in Germany, I moved around a lot during my childhood. This enabled me to acquire several languages very early...
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