套裝課程 15% 折扣優惠
15% 折扣優惠

Giusi Lavalle

1:30 AM (GMT+03:00)義大利語
4 666
4 666
Hi, everyone! My name is Giusi and I used to live in Rome “The Eternal City”. I am a full-time Italian teacher online. I think that the language of a country is not only a means of communication, but also the best way to go into its culture, so I couldn't help but start teaching my native language and culture. I love traveling, I'm a curious person and I'm passionate about foreign languages and cultures. I feel that this is the perfect job for me, as I enjoy talking to people from all over the world and I can learn a lot from my students too.
As for my education, it mirrors my passion for Arts and Literature that I have always had. I got a bachelor’s degree in Italian Literature in 2008; in 2011 I specialized in Art History; later on, in 2014, I decided to get a certification for teaching Italian Language to foreigner students.
The main purpose of my lessons is communicative Italian, which means learning how to use the Italian Language. In fact, the lessons are completely interactive and together we’ll try to speak only in Italian.
The teaching material was thought for these lessons. It’s unique and original, made of texts, audios and videos with which to make also a journey in the wonderful Italian Culture.
Let's try our best together!
更多As for my education, it mirrors my passion for Arts and Literature that I have always had. I got a bachelor’s degree in Italian Literature in 2008; in 2011 I specialized in Art History; later on, in 2014, I decided to get a certification for teaching Italian Language to foreigner students.
The main purpose of my lessons is communicative Italian, which means learning how to use the Italian Language. In fact, the lessons are completely interactive and together we’ll try to speak only in Italian.
The teaching material was thought for these lessons. It’s unique and original, made of texts, audios and videos with which to make also a journey in the wonderful Italian Culture.
Let's try our best together!
During the trial I will show the material we will use, and there will be a short example lesson in which we can get to know each other. We will talk about the goals to be achieved, and the best way to do it according to individual needs. I will answer any questions if there are doubts, and we can talk about specific requests in relation to future lessons.
一次, 30 分鐘老師統計資料
2019 - 2020
2012 - 2013
Master in Curatore Museale e di Eventi
Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) - Roma
2008 - 2011
Laurea Magistrale
Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Roma, Italia
Storia dell'Arte
2004 - 2008
Laurea Triennale in Lettere
Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta - L.U.M.S.A - Roma, Italia
Indirizzo Beni Culturali
2016 - 2016
Apprenticeship for Italian teachers L2/LS
Language Study Link “Torre di Babele” srl - Roma
durata complessiva di 60 ore
2015 - 2015
Italian language workshop for secondary school children
Istituto Comprensivo “Via Padre Semeria” - Roma
durata complessiva di 28 ore
2014 - 2014
Apprenticeship for Italian teachers L2/LS
Language Study Link “Torre di Babele” srl - Roma
durata complessiva di 44 ore
2012 - 0
Tutor freelance
support in learning the Italian language; support in preparing for university exams