Планировать или не планировать_Plan or not to plan
a year ago Sometimes we are too overwhelmed with the things we have to do on daily basis.
It's always great to have some sort of planning: to write things down on the the planner and go smoothly through the day with less rush.
There's one Russian proverb that state: "человек предполагает, а Бог разполагает", which is literally translated as "man proposes, but God disposes" is about having plans which might go the wrong way. However, it is always great to have trust towards life and know one thing which is another saying in Russian: "Всё, что ни делается, всё к лучшему" with the literal translation "everything that happens is for the better".
Enjoy this little story in Intermediate Russian level, taken from the study book Разговоры по душам ⏳ ⌛️⏳ ⌛️