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READING: Great article about money and happiness

8 months ago
Click on the link below, read the article and answer the questions.


  1. According to the Moneyzine.com survey, what is the average salary that Americans believe would make them happy?
  2. What does Tami Muller, a happiness trainer, and positive psychology coach, say about the relationship between happiness and success?
  3. What are the three uses of money that can potentially lead to happiness, according to Arthur C. Brooks?
  4. What does the 2005 systematic review of 225 papers indicate about the relationship between happiness and success?
  5. According to the Harvard study mentioned in the text, what do the happiest people who live the longest prioritize in their lives?
  1. What do you think of the article?
  2. Which things did you know before, was anything new?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the ideas?
  4. What examples can you think of in your life related to this topic?

hedonic / hedonistic - characterized by pleasure
1. : of, relating to, or characterized by pleasure. 2. : of, relating to, or characterized by hedonism. hedonically.