7 years ago"Though" can sometimes come at the beginning of a sentence; it can sometimes come at the end of a sentence, preceded by a comma (usually indicating that the sentence itself is an afterthought); otherwise, it can come immediately after the subject; a fourth option is (if the verb has more than one word and thus begins with, for instance, "doesn't" or "can" or "should") to put "though" after the auxiliary verb; and, of course, "though" can also appear right in the middle of a sentence, between two contrasting verb clauses. Sometimes it connects two contrasting clauses within the same sentence (like "although", "even though" and "while" also do), whereas on other occasions it connects the current sentence with contrasting information in the immediately preceding sentence (like "however", "nevertheless", "be that as it may", "having said that", "yet", "mind you", inter alia).
If any of the above makes any sense to you (and, for sure -especially if you're an average NATIVE speaker of English and not a student or teacher of your own language- it very well might not!), then write and example sentence here of one of the four possibilities I've outlined.
Also -if you're a student or teacher of English- have a try at re-explaining what I've written in the first paragraph above, except do it more tersely, more clearly and, overall, more adeptly than my own clumsy attempt: that's your challenge; go for it!