How to pronounce the four PinYin Tones

A lots of Chinese language learners find it a great struggle to pronounce the four PinYin tones, well, you probably want to try the following tip to make it easier:

  1. First tone:
Yī 一(one) ---
compare this with the English word:
Mama (mama represents similar kind of tone, say it in a flat tone).
  1. Second tone:
Yí 姨(aunt)--- compare this with this English word "what?", in a situation where you can't hear someone clearly, you go"what?", that is right, that is exactly the second tone in PinYin.
  1. Third tone:
Yǐ 椅(chair)--- compare this with the English word "huh?", in a situation where something really doesn't make sense or is really confusing, you go"huh?" That is right, that is the third tone.
  1. Forth tone:
Yì 意(meaning)---compare this with the English word "NO!" in a situation where you want to give a very definitive rejection to someone, or you want to shout out an angry "no!". That is right, that is exactly the forth tone.

Well, I hope this will help.

16 июня 2017 г.
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Rose Li

34,99 $
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Язык(-и) общения:
I have been teaching Mandarin Chinese to Canadian students since 2014. I can teach conversational Chinese , reading and writing Chinese to different age groups. I am fluent in English, that makes teaching easier for lots of beginners. My way of teaching is through Chinese immersion, which means you are going to use this language in every part of your life. We are going to share stories, movies, videos of our trips to different places, we can even live broadcasting your gourmet cooking. By the time we reach to the final goal, which is you are able to use the language fluently, I still have one more goal: let our friendship last...
3 107
Язык(-и) общения:
I have been teaching Mandarin Chinese to Canadian students since 2014. I can teach conversational Chinese , reading and writing Chinese to different age groups. I am fluent in English, that makes teaching easier for lots of beginners. My way of teaching is through Chinese immersion, which means you are going to use this language in every part of your life. We are going to share stories, movies, videos of our trips to different places, we can even live broadcasting your gourmet cooking. By the time we reach to the final goal, which is you are able to use the language fluently, I still have one more goal: let our friendship last...
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